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Wordpress calls multiple classifications to generate the code of homepage cms layout

Tianxing Studio 2019-12-16 20:39 Wordpress Tutorial one hundred and three thousand five hundred and eleven 0 Comments

wordpress The homepage cms layout needs to call multiple classified content. At the beginning of contacting WordPress, this code was borrowed from another topic. It uses the while loop, which I am not used to.

Then I copied it directly zblog Foreach loop, I don't know whether it is right or not. Anyway, it can be used

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 <? php $themecateid = '1,2,3'; $flids = explode(',',$themecateid); foreach ($flids as $cid){ ?> <? php <ul> query_posts('posts_per_page=8&caller_get_posts=1&orderby=rand&cat='.$ cid); while (have_posts()) : the_post(); echo '<li><a href="'.get_permalink().' " title="'.$ post->post_title.'" target="_blank">'.$ post->post_title.'</a></li>'; endwhile; wp_reset_query(); </ul> ?> <? php } ?>

The "1,2,3" of the above code is the classification ID of the call, and the while loop is still used for one layer. Html code structure can be adjusted at will.

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