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Comprehensive evaluation of Tencent cloud server purchase and opening application and configuration speed and stability

In China, major mainstream businesses will basically set foot in various industries. As long as they can see that they can make money to gain users, they will follow suit (better known as micro innovation). As a result, many entrepreneurial and innovative companies have been unable to play, either eliminated or resigned to acquisition. Take the familiar IDC industry as an example. Since Alibaba After Tencent and other service providers set foot in the host industry, in fact, many individual businesses could have done some small business, but now it should be relatively difficult.

To a large extent, it is normal. After all, society is a process of survival of the fittest. We can only find other suitable projects to do or do in the market segment. For example, there are several major portals competing in the domestic host industry, but individuals can take some unique routes, prices, and simple procedures. There are still many markets. After all, Lao Zuo has never done this, so it's not easy to talk nonsense. For users, we can try different businesses and products, whether personal or corporate, each has its own advantages.

about AliCloud server Lao Zuo has bought and used it. Tencent Cloud has had a simple test before but has not used it in detail. In this article, Lao Zuo launched a 1GB solution for Guangdong data center Tencent ECS Therefore, based on this evaluation, Tencent Cloud currently has data center machines in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Toronto and Hong Kong.

First, the official website of Tencent ECS

Official website address:

Second, choose Tencent ECS configuration and machine room

1. Select machine room

 Select Tencent ECS room

We can choose data centers in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Toronto and Hong Kong. Some netizens mentioned that the data centers in Shanghai are not very stable, so they chose the recommended Guangzhou computer room.

2. Select configuration scheme

 Tencent ECS selection configuration scheme

We can choose to configure memory, CPU core and image version according to the actual project needs. The most important thing is that the data disk is only 8GB for Linux by default, which is sufficient for general site use. If the data is large, we must buy a data disk. The data disk needs to be attached after purchase. Please refer to“ Introduction to the process of mounting data disks and installing AMH management panels on Tencent ECS "In this article, the default bandwidth is 1Mbps.

C - Set ROOT and age

 Tencent ECS set ROOT and age

We can set the key to log in or give us a ROOT password randomly after opening. We can modify it after logging in. Like Alibaba Cloud and Baidu Cloud, one, two or three years of purchase is cheaper than monthly payment. This is just to test the performance. In the future, monthly payment is also a monthly payment. If we have always used it and know the stability, we can also choose annual payment when purchasing VPS.

Third, basic management of Tencent ECS

 Basic management of Tencent ECS

After the purchase is completed, we will immediately activate and install the distribution version we selected. As shown in the figure above, the machine we just opened is running. If we need to reset the password or reinstall the system, we can select operations behind the current server.

 Tencent ECS management

Here, we can reinstall the system, restart and shut down the current server. There are generally no problems with other products. The following is nothing more than a list of product management. If we buy other databases, CDNs and other products, we can also see them in the background.

Fourth, Tencent ECS performance evaluation

Generally, we choose domestic hosts, VPS Servers and other products are mostly used for building websites. Of course, there are other project debugging and so on. The difference between domestic and overseas is that there must be advantages in speed. However, we all know that the formalities are troublesome at the beginning, and the content control is strict. There is no margin or other content. Of course, the configuration, especially the port, is inferior to overseas machines, However, 1Mbps is sufficient for common website building purposes.

1. PING speed test

 PING speed test

The speed of domestic machines must be beyond words. PING speed is ideal.

2. IO hard disk read/write test

 Tencent ECS IO hard disk read/write test

The default hard disk is really small. At any rate, you should give 15-20GB, but 8GB and 20GB for Windows.

3. SpeedTest

 Tencent ECS SpeedTest

In conclusion, from the perspective of experience speed, it is a domestic computer room machine, and the speed is still OK. Port 1 Mbps ordinary station building and other projects are still OK. If you use the station building program to do some caching and optimization files, and pictures and other large files can be placed in third-party storage space, the speed can be greatly improved. However, the only disadvantage is that the default 8GB hard disk is relatively small. For big data, you may need to purchase a data disk.

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