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Analysis of several products worth buying for Alibaba Cloud New Year purchase (are you right)

Recently, we have seen that all major cloud service providers in China have promotional activities, including Alibaba Cloud service providers who continue to hope that new people will continue to be involved in the routine by bringing in new ones. In fact, this is not a routine, but a way of collecting wool from each other. For example, Alibaba Cloud promotional activities are basically aimed at new users, and they are really expensive when renewing without much discount. However, our users should seize the opportunity of newcomers to collect their cheap packages.

When the renewal is needed, we may make profits in the project, and we don't care about the cost of renewal. If the project does not improve, we will directly change the service provider or continue to change new users to collect wool. In this New Year's Shopping Festival, there are indeed some preferential policies for newcomers' purchase and repurchase. In this article, Lao Zuo will analyze which products are worth collecting if we are newcomers.

Alibaba Cloud Spring Festival Purchasing Activity

The promotional activities are all aimed at new users with a large amount of discount for purchase of explosive funds, and some old users purchase new ones.

1. First purchase discount for new users

This activity is only for newcomers. If we need to collect, we should try to register new users. Are you not reconciled to the expensive renewal of old users?

 Analysis of several products worth buying for Alibaba Cloud New Year (are you right)

We can see the above activities suitable for the first purchase of newcomers. Look at the characteristics of several products I have marked.

ECS burst T6: 86 yuan in the first year, but now I still have a conscience. When I mention 99 yuan, I can buy it again for three times. However, the configuration is only 1M, and the CPU is also idle for 10%, which is suitable for entry-level users.

Lightweight application server: 2G5M is configured with a traffic limit of 1TB per month. The lightweight server is characterized by larger bandwidth than the basic ECS, but the traffic is limited. The price is also cheap for 96 years, and can be renewed three times at this price.

ECS shared S6: This one is recommended by Laozuo. We can see that 4G and 8G memory are available, and the three-year plan can be implemented directly. The optional bandwidth is 1-10M, which is more suitable for medium - and long-term projects. For example, it is worthwhile for our website business to expand in the future, and there is no need to upgrade at a high price. One more feature is that this package supports one person to enjoy three sets. Is it necessary to directly collect three sets for multiple projects.

Laozuo personally suggested that if we are really preparing for three years of business, we should choose S6 ECS, with unlimited CPU, and we can buy three at a time.

2. Special discount for regular users

Regular users can also enjoy some discount products, but the configuration is relatively high.

 Alibaba Cloud old user discount

We can see that the packages suitable for regular users are relatively high configuration. There is certainly no lower discount for the price. We can see that there is a 25% discount for three years and a 30% discount for five years. The discount is not as strong as that for new users. Of course, if we really need something and the renewal fee is expensive, we should buy a new old customer with a new product discount and move the data.

This is an activity suitable for new and old users in Alibaba Cloud's Spring Purchase Season. In short, there is a large discount for new users,

Domain name host preferential information push QQ group: six hundred and twenty-seven million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and seventy-seven Get preferential promotion from merchants.
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