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deep freeze

Ice Point Restore Spirit 1.0

 Ice point restoration wizard section head LOGO

Software size: 10.3MB

Application platform: WinAll

Software license: Free version

Software category: Backup Restore

Software level:

Updated: 2020-05-26

amount of downloads: ten thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven

Software language: Simplified Chinese

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deep freeze It is a very useful system restore software produced by Faronics. It is a system protection restore software, which can ensure that your computer is effectively protected in case of wrong operation and virus attack. However, the genuine software needs to pay for use.

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The Ice Point Restore Wizard is a powerful system protection software. No matter what reason your system fails, the Ice Point Restore Wizard can quickly restore to your original state and settings. It will also record your operations, currently opened files, running programs and various settings at any time. 0171018105231.png

Deep Freeze usage method:

1. First, open the software, click Next until the following window pops up, and then enter the license key code above.

2. Next, the disk you need to restore and protect will pop up. By default, the first three disks are selected according to your needs

 deep freeze

3. Finally, select Install, and the system will automatically restart the computer. The installation is complete.

4. After you turn on the computer again, the setup password will pop up. It is blank if no password is set.

5. The software call out hotkey is ctrl+AIt+shift+F6. You can also press and hold shift while double clicking the task icon to open

Here, I also want to teach you how to make good use of the protection settings of freezing point reduction:

Freeze after startup: ensure that the computer is frozen after the next restart;

Unfreeze after startup: ensure that the computer is unfrozen after each restart within the specified number of subsequent restarts;

Unfreeze after startup: Ensure that the computer is unfrozen after each restart.

Select the first item "Freeze after startup" and click OK. After restarting the computer, the Restore Wizard will protect your computer again.

" target="_self"> Use of Ice Point Restore Spirit
Deep Freeze Uninstall method:
If you don't want to use the Ice Point Restore Wizard, you may not find the unloading location. The editor will explain how to uninstall the Ice Point Restore Wizard, because this software is different from other software.
1. Open the freezing point restore wizard, enter the password to log in, select the third item, and unfreeze after startup.
 deep freeze
 deep freeze
2. After restarting the computer, you will see that the icon of the restore wizard in the status bar has an X number. At this time, the freezing point restore wizard has given up the protection of the system.
3. Now rerun the installation program of Freezing Point, which is the same as the installation of Freezing Point Restore Wizard.
4. When running to this step, select Uninstall.
 deep freeze
5. After uninstalling, the computer will restart automatically. At this time, you will find that there is no ice point restore wizard on the status bar, which proves that the uninstallation is successful.
Problems related to the deep freeze:
What should I do if I forget the password of the Ice Point Restore Wizard?
Answer: Method 1: Temporary solution
If you have installed a new program after forgetting to restore the wizard password, the software prompts you to restart the computer,
Do not click the "OK" button at this time, and select "Restart Later". Then select "Restart the computer" in "Start → Shut down the system". Be sure to hold down the Shift key at this time, so that the computer will reload the system program directly, bypassing the protection of the restore wizard.
Method 2: long-term solution
If you want to save your files for a long time, you must remove the restore wizard or obtain the administrator password of the restore wizard. It is not difficult to remove the restore wizard. There is a special program on the Internet called "Restore Wizard Cleaner" to remove the password of the restore wizard after running. However, it should be noted that since the restore wizard is an article in the most important master boot record MBR of the hard disk, it is dangerous to use this restore wizard cleaner.

Deep Freeze Update log:

1: Bugs fixed

2: Optimized performance

Recommended by editor: Ice point restore spirit, hoping to solve everyone's urgent needs, children's shoes that are not in urgent need can also install this software for a rainy day! The editor also recommends onekey one button restore, Windows one button restore, and quick recovery after rain.

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PC download station netizen 2017-09-24 11:46:39
The ice point restoration spirit is good, not bad.
PC download station netizen 2017-09-14 19:00:36
It's the first time to use the Ice Point Restore Wizard software. I feel it's pretty good, but some places still need more humanization.
PC download station netizen 2017-08-21 12:54:07
You are lovely, little editor 2333
PC download station netizen 2017-07-17 08:52:38
course! Tutorial?>_<
PC download station netizen 2017-07-15 12:08:51
Great! Give me a big compliment!
PC download station netizen 2017-06-06 02:25:33
It is also easy to use the PC download website. The ice point restore wizard of other websites is either old or cannot be downloaded
PC download station netizen 2017-05-13 18:28:51
Ice point restoration spirit is super awesome! Click 100 million likes
PC download station netizen 2017-04-15 17:30:59
Ice point restoration wizard must be used together with other software of the same brand.
PC download station netizen 2017-04-15 16:03:52
I think it's very good. It's in line with my expectations. Those who can't use it should not blame the ice point restoration spirit
PC download station netizen 2017-04-07 15:34:40
I felt that the ice point restoring spirit was very good overall, very satisfied
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