HDL Split Pipeline Centrifugal Pump, HDLR Split Pipeline Centrifugal Pump, HDLH Split Pipeline Centrifugal Pump - Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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  •  HDL Split Pipeline Centrifugal Pump

HDL Split Pipeline Centrifugal Pump

  • Category: Centrifugal pump
  • Product name: HDL split pipe centrifugal pump
  • Product label: HDLR split pipe centrifugal pump, HDLH split pipe centrifugal pump
  • Updated: 14:56:31, August 9, 2016
  • Access statistics:
  • HDL Split Pipeline Centrifugal Pump Series, HDLR, HDLH, HDLB, HDLHB Split Pipeline Centrifugal Pump Product Introduction:

    Product Overview

    HDLR series single-stage single suction pipeline centrifugal pump is an excellent hydraulic model selected by our scientific and technical personnel in conjunction with domestic pump experts, which is ingeniously combined and designed on the basis of general vertical pumps using the performance parameters of IS centrifugal pumps. At the same time, hot water, high temperature, corrosive chemical pumps and oil pumps are derived from ISG based on different operating temperatures, media, etc. This series of products have the advantages of high efficiency, energy saving, low noise and reliable performance.

    Product line

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