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"View" numerous "stars", recognize stars and "plates", and plan strategies

2021-08-26 Source: Baidu Marketing Read: seven hundred and twenty thousand and ninety-nine Label: AI |

In the vast sea of people, there is always someone you should love

Knowing user needs can accompany user growth

Let commitment go beyond words, let warmth permeate every smiling face

Baidu Marketing Star Gazetteer

Help enterprises and link consumers

Digital marketing with temperature

Baidu Stargazing Disk, combined with consumer demand, has a deep insight into brand differences, so that the brand can find TA smoothly

Real time insight into industry trends, grasp the competitive landscape, tap new marketing opportunities, and dynamically develop marketing strategies

Deeply focus on the characteristics of different scenarios of consumers, understand the real needs, and personalize the marketing process

Full chain marketing data engine -- Stargazing disc

Data makes you understand TA better

Enterprise special offers start to grab exclusive benefits on a first come, first served basis

*Preferential activities are limited to new cooperative customers in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Tianjin

Get corporate benefits immediately and make an appointment with your exclusive consultant

The promotion can be started in three simple steps
Confirm the promotion intention -- open an account for you -- open your launch
Monday to Friday: 9:00-22:00
Weekends and holidays: 9:00-18:00
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