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Break through enrollment problems and obtain accurate clues! Uncover the Local Marketing Methodology of New Science Education

2022-07-18 Label: New subject education | Education and training marketing promotion |

Marketing Background

Suzhou Huayuan Education Service Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "New Science Education"), founded in 2005, is a large-scale comprehensive education product service provider in Suzhou, with 6 major curriculum systems and more than 40 branch schools, all over Suzhou, Shanghai and Anhui.

The main business of Suzhou Huayuan Education Information Technology Co., Ltd. is academic education and vocational training, mainly involving: application for academic upgrading, application for primary accounting certificate, application for teacher qualification certificate, etc.

Marketing objectives

Faced with the huge scale of graduates and the strong potential demand of the vocational training industry, the difficulties faced by new science education are as follows:

1. It is difficult to obtain offline passenger flow: the brand awareness is not high, and the campus has encountered a bottleneck in enrollment

2. Poor conversion of online customers: the lost rate of obtained clues is high because they are far away from the store

3. High threshold for advertising: creativity and landing page production are tedious and costly, and it is difficult to buy words and optimize

In order to accurately attract netizens to retain online funds and convert them to offline campuses, new science education began to try local promotion.

Marketing program

Planning and unit building

According to the construction plan of "campus+business", it is convenient and clear to evaluate the launch effect of each store, and then distinguish different units by price words, school words, question words and other parts of speech. In addition, an oCPC launch package is established for different courses to facilitate the timely monitoring of the flow and conversion cost fluctuations of each course.


Keyword expansion: new store plan, adding precise expansion of non regional words.

Promotion area: put it within 20km around the campus to attract people who are close and have strong transformation needs.


Use the creative style of the exclusive store to show the distance to the store, and can directly wake up the map to get through the whole process of the user to the store.

Landing page

Set up a store marketing page, add form components to the page to attract netizens to retain funds, and build a course detail page involving multi course products to strengthen diversion through sub chain jump.

Marketing effect

Three weeks after the local promotion of new science education, consumption, click rate, and clue conversion showed an overall upward trend, and the conversion cost was relatively stable, of which the click rate increased by 73% and the conversion cost decreased by 15%.

Related recommendations

Enterprise special offers start to grab exclusive benefits on a first come, first served basis

*Preferential activities are limited to new cooperative customers in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Tianjin

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The promotion can be started in three simple steps
Confirm the promotion intention -- open an account for you -- open your launch
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