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Improve efficiency and reduce cost to obtain high-quality recruitment clues! Uncover the local marketing method of Yishang Beauty School

2022-07-18 Label: Yishang Beauty School | Beauty promotion |

Marketing Background

Yishang (Suzhou Yishang Beauty and Hairdressing Vocational Training School) is a vocational training school focusing on beauty training, makeup training, nail training, photography training, hairdressing training and other businesses. It mainly opens campuses and enrolls students in Suzhou and Shanghai.

Marketing objectives

The mode of recruiting students through online marketing on Yishang is to attract netizens to consult courses such as hairdressers and hairdressers online and fill in forms to obtain student clues, and then guide students to learn courses and pay tuition fees in offline campuses through further communication. In the process of launching search promotion, Yishang could not accurately and conveniently guide the clues of different regions to the corresponding campus, so it tried local promotion.

Marketing program

Plan and Unit Settings

The local promotion plan of art is built according to "region+specialty", and the unit is built according to different parts of speech such as price words, school words, question words, etc. Since there is only one store in Suzhou technically, the traffic that can be covered is limited. Therefore, it is planned to bind a unified oCPC package without distinguishing majors, so as to quickly accumulate transformation data.


Technically, target students are targeted precisely based on the location of the store - take the campus store as the center, cover the Internet users within 20km around, and guide the willing students to school. Users who are close to the store have stronger consumption intention. If the circle selection range is too small, the target audience will be insufficient. It is recommended to set the distance within the maximum service radius acceptable to the store to obtain the best promotion effect.


The creative style of the exclusive store shows the distance to the store to netizens, and it can also directly awaken Baidu Maps and open up the whole link of users to the store.

Landing page

Set up store marketing pages to enrich and professionally introduce transformation components such as consultation, forms, etc., to attract netizens to leave clues.

Marketing effect

After 4 weeks of local promotion on Yishang, the consumption, click rate and clue conversion showed an overall upward trend, and the conversion cost fluctuated slightly but was still within the assessment requirements. The overall click rate of local promotion is 50% higher than that of non local promotion, and the conversion cost is 24% lower.

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Enterprise special offers start to grab exclusive benefits on a first come, first served basis

*Preferential activities are limited to new cooperative customers in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Tianjin

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