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Yuanuniverse+Du Xiaoxiao: GAC Ai'an AION LX PLUS Baidu marketing case

2022-03-22 Label: Metauniverse | GAC |

Marketing Background

Because domestic cars occupy the advantage of the industrial chain, the industry is "crowded with heroes". The manufacturers with "new power table of car making" are fighting out of the wilderness, and have a strong desire to shape the brand. On the other hand, the traditional luxury car brands adopt the way of downward price exploration, which is bound to win for new consumer groups. Car manufacturers entering from the Internet are more familiar with the consumer groups of Generation Z and will have a stronger influence. How to catch the attention of consumers and establish brand tonality in a new car press conference has become a battleground for major manufacturers.

Marketing objectives

At the time of the launch of GAC Ai'an new car AION, a new car press conference is needed to cooperate with innovative integrated marketing means, improve brand voice, establish emotional connection with consumers, and improve new car sales.

Marketing program


As the "aborigines" of the Internet, the new generation of young people are very concerned about new things. At the same time, the requirements for content and experience are extremely high. Only advanced, fun, trendy and high-quality can attract the attention of these "upstarts". From "AYAYI" to "Du Xiaoxiao", they are all cultural symbols belonging to the young people. Just like the "Doraemon" and "Altman" that are spoken by the post-80s generation today, they will accompany this generation of young people for a long time or even life. And the brand growing with these cultural symbols will also establish a more stable and warm connection with young people. The combination of "Metauniverse+Du Xiaoxiao" just has these characteristic elements.


Shuttle between dimensions to integrate real and virtual worlds

As the saying goes, "Ten minutes on stage, ten years off stage". For the success of this online conference, GAC Ai'an and Baidu APP have made full preparations to successfully break the dimensional wall with three "combination fists", shuttle between the real world and the metauniverse, and use the potential energy of the metauniverse to reduce dimensions and influence the real world.

(Digital people make Xiaoxiao the first show in the automotive industry, helping GAC Aian AION LX PLUS launch new cars)

Execution highlights

First punch: official micro space interaction

Before the launch conference, GAC Ai'an and Baidu APP's official micro blog interacted across the air, and "spoiler" some details of the launch conference and products attracted fans' attention. And the biggest selling point "the endurance exceeds 1000 kilometers" was taken as a momentum topic to cause discussion and increase attention.

The second punch: Baidu information flow GD drainage

Display Aian AION LX in Baidu APP by means of information flow GD push One hundred number live broadcast rooms of PLUS conference are used to direct the live broadcast of the conference. At the same time, live broadcast appointment is adopted to strengthen the stickiness of live broadcast and prepare for live broadcast.

The third punch: accurate touch, immersive experience

With careful preparation in the early stage, the live broadcast process maximized the reach of Baidu APP's information flow crowd and attracted the attention of the whole network. At the same time, GAC Ai'an Baijia is used as the live broadcast entrance to attract more fans' attention, which is conducive to the follow-up information transmission and marketing activities.

(Screenshot of live broadcast of the press conference)

Du Xiaoxiao is virtual, but her influence in reality is real. In the eyes of Gen Z, there is no obvious boundary between real and virtual worlds, because for them, these two worlds are born, and they naturally have higher enthusiasm for the virtual world.

The immersive experience created by the meta universe has enough attraction for young people. At the moment when the real and the virtual are on the same stage and in the same frame, the dimensional wall is broken, and the dream shines into reality. The brand communication activities of Yuanuniverse will be as lasting and popular as the large-scale events and performances in the real world.

The fourth punch: powerful exposure, continued heat

The new car launch conference is just the beginning of sales. At this time, the product still needs a lot of exposure to continue to occupy the minds of users.

Therefore, Baidu APP is a new model of GAC Ai'an AION LX PLUS has tailored the opening screen advertisement with full and powerful exposure to continue the popularity of new car launch, make the information of new products reach more target users, and pave the way for product sales.

Nowadays, advertisers are most concerned about the sales effect of advertising. Through the user retention page of Jimuyu, complete the transformation of sales leads, form a marketing closed-loop, and implement the integration of product and effect.

Marketing effect

This marketing campaign jointly created by Baidu Marketing and GAC Ai'an, with the help of innovative meta universe and virtual digital people, fully reaches the target population (young people), reflects the power of Ai'an brand to youth and technology, and conveys the new car AION LX PLUS has a new concept of "smart travel for thousands of miles".

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