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Baidu marketing ideal life+, release new life imagination

2023-04-11 Label: Real estate promotion | integrated marketing | Baidu promotion | Baidu Marketing |

Marketing Background

In the digital era, we see a series of changes in the real estate and home furnishing industry: offline experience, online ordering; Or you can directly experience and complete transactions online through virtual technology, which is driven by data technology. What changes is the consumer population and demand, and what remains unchanged is that "home" still occupies an unshakable position. With the transformation of consumer groups and demands, real estate and home furnishing brand businesses urgently need a solution to accurately connect the needs of enterprises and intended consumers, so that consumers can smoothly embrace the ideal "home". In this context, Baidu Marketing helped the real estate and household industry brand growth, promote voice and other goals to be achieved efficiently.

Marketing objectives

Integrate the needs of consumers at different levels at one time, create interest IP, and subvert the marketing thinking of the traditional real estate and home furnishing industry. The short-term objectives of marketing communication have a great impact on the exposure and influence of the existing project communication. The long-term goal is the deep cultivation and content precipitation of the project industry ecology.

Marketing program

Deeply cultivate the real estate and home furnishing industry, create "ideal life+" interest IP, and open up N possibilities for brand marketing in the real estate and home furnishing industry!

1. Warm up period: creative&interesting interaction in the main venue, UGC content creates brand IP cognitive natural contact

In order to better implement the interest IP, Baidu Marketing uses creative interactive play methods to attract users to share, combine innovative interactive technology to show product selling points, improve user viewing experience and promote product efficiency accumulation, and provide more diverse digital space and interaction scenarios for brand fans to transform and retain.

2. High tide period: innovative marketing ignites the ideal life+, and activates the construction of multiple content of real estate and household brands

 2.1 Baidu's first home decoration metauniverse launch conference, an immersive scene that brings closer user relations "Baidu Marketing Ideal Life+" and Shanghai Shangmingju to link the metauniverse to reconstruct the home decoration experience. An immersive product launch was launched on Baidu's Xirang platform. Ten thousand people felt the launch heat value in real time on the same screen. Users can log on to the Xirang platform to enter the Shanghai Shangmingju special scene for real-time interactive home decoration experience. Link high-tech interaction, multi-dimensional close the emotional distance between the brand and users, and help the brand spread more efficiently.

2.2 Use emotional elements to open the door of users and activate the construction of multiple content of real estate and household brands

"Ideal life+" is Baidu Marketing's insight based on the personality characteristics of the current young people: the new generation of consumer groups of the post-85 and post-90 generation are those who know how to enjoy life and like to taste new things, but they also have their own understanding of fashion and aesthetics, and expect to create a distinctive and full quality "ideal life home". "Baidu Marketing Ideal Life+" endows products with the ability to carry emotions in emotional marketing. It achieves a strong relationship between the brand and "Idealist" by virtue of emotional positioning, which reflects the current young people's pursuit of "Idealist", thus gaining support from a large number of users.

The interesting life test jointly created with Hushang Mingju - "Test what a home that meets your temperament looks like.

2.3 Strong output of UGC content and continuous water storage for activities

Together with Baijia, we launched a discussion on the topic of "ideal life+attitude" to directly hit the minds of users with "attitude" and reach users with emotional resonance. At the same time, the linkage home expo produces the UGC content of real estate and home furnishing.

2.4 Baidu's ecological internal+external publicity strong exposure, expanding the brand's IP circle breaking communication volume

3. Fermentation period: link 20+media to carry out matrix reports, bringing nationwide communication to the event

Marketing effect

The "Baidu Marketing Ideal Life+" event has a total exposure of nearly 60 million people, 10000 people watched Yuanuniverse live broadcast, 26.17 million people saw UGC content, and more than 200000 people interacted in Du Xiaoxiao's psychological test. Reviewing the whole process of the series activities of "Baidu Marketing Ideal Life+", we can find that:

  • In terms of the transformation of marketing thinking, we should change the traditional brand marketing model of the real estate and home furnishing industry, regard efficiency, quality and sales as an integration, and help the brand achieve efficiency, quality and sales improvement through the idea of multi content ecological construction, focusing on interaction, and using the full link capability of the platform ecology.

  • In terms of the application of game innovation, the "Baidu Marketing Ideal Life+" project has adopted a combination of strategies such as the Meta Universe Live Conference+Brand Theme Base+Emotional Communication Test+Short Video Exhibition Theme+Interaction and Winning Gift to maximize the volume of activities and complete the integrated cooperation from marketing to operation.

  • "Baidu Marketing Ideal Life+" is not only a carnival activity for ideal lifestyle artists, but also a marketing event co created by the platform, brand and users.

With the upsurge of consumption hot spots of real estate and home furnishing, Baidu Marketing will continue to tap the potential of the platform, create a major event of industry marketing and help the brand of the real estate and home furnishing industry accelerate business growth by means of content accumulation, ecological construction of multiple content, new playing methods, regional linkage and other forms.

Award presentation

  • Won the 2022 Baixiang Chengchangli Competition - [Integrated Marketing · Gold Award]

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