Teammates are sluggish and can't move Middleton. It's hard to find a free cut

ZBlog House five hundred and ninety-four 2019-05-29 12:21:26

Bucks' strong bench depth once covered up Middleton's mediocrity in this year's playoffs. As the only all-star around Brother Alphabet, Michael did not play as he should. In the last game, he made 3 of 16 shots, and the target fell to the bottom. In the fourth game, he finally recovered and scored the highest 30 points in the game, but today he was delayed by the performance of his teammates.

Today's second quarter became the best quarter for Middleton to play, with two bottom corner three points and one basket three points. Without his score output, the game would probably have taken place earlier. Only his duet with Brother Alphabet can obviously not compete with the raptors who are all soldiers.


In the second half, when Middleton held the ball to attack the basket, he did not forget to connect his teammates. He can not only hit dry pull in the top of Lori's head, but also find Milotici in the corner after he reaches the basket. His wonderful left hand straight stroke also made Lopez score under the basket. In the second half, his attacking firepower did not decrease, he hit the open three points, and hit the free throw line with Leonard's interference.

In the last quarter, the Raptors took the initiative to increase the number of clips for him, and the effect was quite good. The Bucks were more than 20 points behind. Even if Middleton is so brave, he cannot stop the Raptors from playing.

Dongjue was taken to Tianwang Mountain to test the psychological quality of the Bucks as the eastern champion. As the most important helper of Brother Alphabet, Middleton also needs to think about how to return to the home court to reactivate his teammates while maintaining his touch.

Bucks' strong bench depth once covered up Middleton's mediocrity in this year's playoffs. As the only all-star around Brother Alphabet, Michael did not play as he should. In the last game, he made 3 of 16 shots, and the target fell to the bottom. In the fourth game, he finally recovered and scored the highest 30 points in the game, but today he was delayed by the performance of his teammates.

Today's second quarter became the best quarter for Middleton, with two bottom corner three points and one basket three points. Without his score output, the game would probably have taken place earlier. Only his duet with Brother Alphabet can obviously not compete with the raptors who are all soldiers.

In the second half, when Middleton held the ball to attack the basket, he did not forget to connect his teammates. He can not only hit dry pull in the top of Lori's head, but also find Milotici in the corner after he reaches the basket. His wonderful left hand straight stroke also made Lopez score under the basket. In the second half, his attacking firepower did not decrease, he hit the open three points, and hit the free throw line with Leonard's interference.

In the last quarter, the Raptors took the initiative to increase the number of clips for him, and the effect was quite good. The Bucks were more than 20 points behind. No matter how brave Middleton is, he cannot stop the Raptors from playing.

Dongjue was taken to Tianwang Mountain to test the psychological quality of the Bucks as the eastern champion. As the most important helper of Brother Alphabet, Middleton also needs to think about how to return to the home court to reactivate his teammates while maintaining his touch.

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