Budenholzer: No problem with the letter playing time. He needs a break

ZBlog House six hundred and fourteen 2019-05-29 11:31:26

On May 25, Beijing time, Buck coach Mike Budenholze, who was preparing for the G6 finals in the eastern part of the country, was interviewed by the media. The details are as follows:

Q: When you and your coaching team watched the video last night, were there any problems not found during the game?

Budenholzer (hereinafter abbreviated as MB): Yes, when you look back at the video, you will always find many problems that you did not pay attention to during the game. Sometimes you need to reconfirm your own ideas. This is a very common question, but the answer is always yes. You will find many questions in the video that were not noticed at that time.

Q: Is there anything worrying or disturbing for you or your coaching team that needs to be solved immediately?

MB: There are some things we can do better, but they are also related to win or lose. When you win, these worrying problems need to be improved or solved. There are many rounds of our rebounding performance is very good, in some cases, we can do our work better. On the offensive side, I think sometimes our space and ball transmission can be better.


But like many games, we didn't finish the night before and didn't win the game. We need to improve and strengthen in some aspects, but it is not so different from that after the victory.

Q: In the case of Arteto Kumbo leaving the game, the playing time of substitutes in G5 has increased. How do you maximize the playing time of Alphabet Brother and substitute players to rotate?

MB: There is no doubt that we need everyone to step forward and make corresponding contributions, both in attack and defense. Yannis's contribution is undoubtedly impressive. He played 39 minutes last night, so do you want him to play 40 to 42 minutes? I don't think so. If we need to do so, we can. But I advocate that he should have a proper rest.

You can see that Leonard's playing time has also declined. We need him to produce and contribute, including the fourth quarter, so I don't think we have any difference in his use.

Q: After losing the whole season, you all thought it was just a game. But yesterday Jannis said that it was not just a game, it was about winning or going home, because if you could not win the next game, it would also mean the end of your season.

MB: Yes, this is a knockout match. This is a fact. What we said before was before Game 5, for G1 to G4. If they win the G6, the series is over. If you ask us how to prepare psychologically and tactically, we are actually very similar, doing the same work. If you win, the game will continue. If you can't win, the season will end.

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