Recently, I wrote a small tool for reciting Pi, which brings us an interactive experience that combines education with pleasure and challenges the limits of self memory. Both math enthusiasts and users who want to exercise memory and concentration can enjoy and gain from it.

This tool realizes the auxiliary recitation of Pi, which is adaptive to the mobile phone terminal. The input box can only input numbers and has a timing function. When you press the first number key, the timing automatically starts. Only when you enter the correct number, you can continue to move forward. When you enter the wrong number of times and the correct rate, your total score and completion time will be displayed after all the digits are entered.
Code description:
<div class="pi"> <div class="pititle"> <h3>Challenge Pi</h3> <span class="time">Time<em>00:00</em>seconds</span> </div> <span data-pi="14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651" id="piDisplay">3.</span> <input type="number" id="piInput" max="1"> <p class="tip">Number of errors:< Em class="errorCount">0</em>, accuracy:< Em class="correctRate">0.00</em>%<a href="">Restart</a></p> </div>
The code defaults to 110 digits after the pi decimal point. You can also view the source code on the pi page and save it locally, find the data pi attribute, and modify the pi to reach the number of digits you want.
Punch ->: Challenge Pi