1. Add onfocus="this. blur()" to the link directly
<a href="#" onfocus="this.blur()">www.toyean.com Tuoyuan Network -Come if you have the skills</ a>
2. CSS implementation
a{blr:expression(this.onFocus=this.close());} /* Only IE is supported, too much use is inefficient*/
a{blr:expression(this.onFocus=this.blur());} /* Only IE is supported, too much use is inefficient*/
a:focus { -moz-outline-style: none; } /* IE does not support*/
3.. Htc implements IE support
<public:attach event="onfocus" onevent="hscfsy()"/>
<script language="javascript">
function hscfsy(){
Call a {behavior: url (the path address of the htc file)}
4. Realize through JavaScript traversal
for(var ii=0; ii document.links$[$ii$]$.onfocus=function(){this.blur()}
5. Use JQuery to remove
If (this. blur) {//If this. blur is supported