Uncover the black hat SEO technology of domain name hijacking reverse proxy

Recently, a child shoe in Wuyun Community sent a post:

It was said that a domain name had somehow bound the URL of Li Yiba. It was neither a 301 redirect, nor a domain name jump, nor a domain name forwarding. Visiting www.liyiba.com feels like Li Yi Bar has set up a website alone! And the weight of this domain name has risen to 6! Now this domain has independently established a forum to make money by taking advantage of the weight and traffic brought by Li Yi Bar! Hundreds of thousands of IP addresses every day make everyone greedy!

How did he do it?

In fact, what he used was not a superb technique, not redirection, not domain name jump, nor domain name forwarding, because redirection, jump, and forwarding were right SEO They are unfriendly and lose weight! And they all jumped to http://tieba.baidu.com/XXXXX It is fundamentally different from the domain name www.liyiba.com.

How did he do it?

Very simple - reverse proxy! It's the reverse proxy!

Students who have played with Sina SAE know that Sina SAE did not give binding domain names at the beginning, and we used reverse proxy to cover their original secondary domain names! For example, the secondary domain name sent by SAE: xxx.sinaapp.com can bind its own arbitrary domain name through reverse proxy.

The specific method is to find a cheap space that supports htaccess, and edit an htaccess file as follows:

 RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(.*)$  http://xxx.sinaapp.com/ $1 [P]

Upload this htaccess to the space! Then bind this space to your own domain name: www.xxx.com

In this way, xxx.sinaapp.com successfully binds the domain name www.xxx.com!

In fact, we can use reverse proxy to bind any website to its own domain name to steal the weight of the website! When your domain name weight rises to a certain extent, you can use it to build a website to make money!

Original article reprint please specify: reprint from Seven Travelers Blog

Fixed link of this article: https://www.qxzxp.com/4063.html

Uncover the black hat SEO technology of domain name hijacking reverse proxy: there are currently 3 messages

  1. You can use 7ghost

    2014-10-17 14:33 [Reply]
  2. Overseas teams, domestic teams, and core members who have invested tens of millions in recruitment and penetration are welcome to join. Contact QQ: 815999666

    2014-05-07 15:11 [Reply]
  3. 0F
    Nanzhu :

    Try, no way..

    2014-02-27 17:06 [Reply]


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