Niu X Website Scanning Tool WVS (Web Vulnerability Scanner)

WVS Website scanning tool, does not need to be installed. Unlike the domestic software, the scanning speed is OK. I like traversing directories. Ha ha, spiders are powerful. If necessary, we recommend that you use it to check whether your website is safe and not to damage it.


WVS (Web Vulnerability Scanner) is an automated Web application Safety test Tool, which can scan any Web site and Web application that can be accessed through a Web browser and follow HTTP/HTTPS rules. Intranet, extranet and Web site for customers, employees, manufacturers and other personnel applicable to any medium, small and large enterprises
WVS can audit your web application by checking SQL injection attack vulnerabilities, cross site scripting attacks, etc.
It can scan any Web site and Web application that can be accessed through a Web browser and follow HTTP/HTTPS rules.
In addition to automated scanning of exploitable vulnerabilities, WVS also provides a robust solution for analyzing existing generic products and custom products (including those programs that rely on JavaScript, namely AJAX applications).
WVS working principle
WVS has a large number of automation features and manual tools. In general, it works in the following ways:
1. It will scan the entire website by tracking all links and robots. txt (if any) on the site. WVS will then map the structure of the site and display the details of each file.
2. After the above discovery phase or scanning process, WVS will automatically launch a series of vulnerability attacks on every page found, which is essentially a simulation of the attack process of a hacker. WVS analyzes where data can be entered on each page, and then tries all input combinations. This is an automatic scanning phase.
3. After it finds vulnerabilities, WVS will report these vulnerabilities in the "Alerts Node". Every warning contains Vulnerability Information And how to fix the vulnerability.
4. After a scan is completed, it will save the results as a file for future analysis and comparison with previous scans. Using the report tool, you can create a professional report to summarize this scan.
Audit vulnerabilities
WVS automatically checks the following vulnerabilities and contents:
·Version check, including vulnerable Web servers and vulnerable Web server technologies
·CGI testing, including checking Web server problems, mainly determines whether dangerous HTTP methods, such as PUT, TRACE, DELETE, are enabled on the server.
·Parameter manipulation: mainly including cross site scripting attack (XSS), SQL injection attack, code execution, directory traversal attack, file intrusion, script source code leakage, CRLF injection, PHP code injection, XPath injection, LDAP injection, cookie manipulation, URL redirection, application error messages, etc.
·Multi request parameter manipulation: mainly Blind SQL/XPath injection attacks
·File check: check backup files or directories, find common files (such as log files, application traces, etc.), and cross site script attacks in URLs, as well as script errors.
·Directory check, mainly to view common files, find sensitive files and directories, and find cross site script attacks in the path.
·Web applications: large databases that check known vulnerabilities of specific Web applications, such as forums, Web portals, CMS systems, e-commerce applications, and PHP libraries.
·Text search: directory list, source code disclosure, check email address, possible sensitive information in Microsoft Office, error messages, etc.
·GHDB Google attack database: You can check more than 1400 GHDB search items in the database.
·Web services: mainly parameter processing, including SQL injection/Blind SQL injection (i.e. blind injection attack), code execution, XPath injection, application error messages, etc.
Using the manual tools provided by the software, you can also perform other vulnerability tests, including input validity checks, verification attacks, buffer overflows, etc.

Original article reprint please specify: reprint from Seven Travelers Blog

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WVS (Web Vulnerability Scanner): Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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