Sort out common codes of Tmall JD Dangdang stores

web front end eight thousand five hundred and forty-six 8 years ago (2016-01-19)

Full screen code of Taobao Store C 1920:

 <div style="height:500px;">     <div class="footer-more-trigger" style="left:50%; top:auto;border:none;padding:0; ">         <div class="footer-more-trigger" style="left:-960px; top:auto;border:none;padding:0; ">       <a href="#" target="_blank" style="width:1920px; height:500px;display:block; "> <img src="#" border="0" alt="Full screen poster"/></a>         </div>     </div> </div>

Add Tmall homepage shopping How to link cars and favorites:

 <a class="J_CartPluginTrigger" href="Product Link">Add to Shopping Cart</a> <a href=" (Baby ID)&itemtype=1&scjjc=1 "target=" _blank ">Collection</a> Note: Replace (baby ID) in the code with baby ID (excluding quotation marks), for example, the baby link address is Id=41864596145, the digital part is the baby ID.

Tmall 1920 full screen customization code (full screen only takes effect after release):

 <div style="height:500px;"> <div class="sn-simple-logo" style="padding:0px; left:50%; top:auto;"> <div class="sn-simple-logo" style="padding:0px; left:-960px; top:auto;"> <a href="#" style="width: 1920px; height: 500px; display: block;" target="_blank"><img src="Picture. jpg" alt="Full screen poster" border="0"/></a> </div> </div> </div>

Code of the right suspension sidebar of Tmall:

 <div class="J_TWidget margin_top" data-widget-config="{'duration':0.1,'activeTriggerCls':'.tml-dialog-b2b','interval':0.1,'effect':'fade','activeIndex':2,'navCls':'nav_tabs','contentCls':'content_lists','autoplay':true}" data-widget-type="Carousel" style="position:relative;"> <ul class="content_lists" style="display:none; width:999999px;left:0px; "> <li style="float:left; z-index:9; opacity:1; position:absolute; display:block;" class="-_-switchable-panel-internal545 ks-switchable-panel-internal692">&nbsp;</ li> </ul> <ul class="nav_tabs" style="width:0; height:0;overflow:visible; "> <li class="J_TWidget -_-switchable-trigger-internal544 -_- ks-switchable-trigger-internal691 tml-dialog-b2b" style="visibility:visible; width:145px;height:545px;overflow:hidden;left:50%;bottom:40px;margin-left:530px;z-index:99;top:auto; "> <div style="width: 135px; height: 423px; margin right: 500px; padding top: 43px; background: url (hover bar image. jpg) no repeat; top: 245px; right: 50%;"> <a href="# The first floor" style="width: 100%; height: 30px; display: block;"></a> <a href="# The second floor" style="width: 100%; height: 30px; display: block;"></a> <a href="# 3rd floor" style="width: 100%; height: 30px; display: block;"></a> ... The above is the related floor link code, and the following is the return to the top <a href="#bd" style="width:100%; height:30px; display:block;"></a> </div> </li> </ul> </div>

Code of left suspension bar of Tmall:

 <div class="J_TWidget margin_top" data-widget-config="{'duration':0.1,'activeTriggerCls':'.tml-dialog-b2b','interval':0.1,'effect':'fade','activeIndex':2,'navCls':'nav_tabs','contentCls':'content_lists','autoplay':true}" data-widget-type="Carousel" style="position:relative;"> <ul class="content_lists" style="width:999999px; left:0px; display:none;"> <li style="float:left; z-index:9; opacity:1; position:absolute; display:block;" class="-_-switchable-panel-internal545 ks-switchable-panel-internal692">&nbsp;</ li> </ul> <ul class="nav_tabs" style="width:0; height:0; overflow:visible;"> <li class="J_TWidget -_-switchable-trigger-internal544 -_- ks-switchable-trigger-internal691 tml-dialog-b2b" style="visibility:visible; width:135px; height:463px; overflow:hidden; left:auto; right:50%; bottom:40px; margin-right:500px; z-index:99; top:auto;"> <div style="width:135px; height:470px; left:auto;margin-right:500px; Background: url (picture. png) no repeat;  top:245px;  right:50%; "> <a href="# The first floor" style="width: 100%; height: 30px; display: block;"></a> <a href="# The second floor" style="width: 100%; height: 30px; display: block;"></a> <a href="# 3rd floor" style="width: 100%; height: 30px; display: block;"></a> ... The above is the related floor link code, and the following is the return to the top <a href="#bd" style="width:100%; height:30px; display:block;"></a> </div> </li> </ul> </div>

How to remove the WeChat Taobao homepage from Tmall Navigation:

 Click Shop Decoration → Edit Navigation Bar → Display Settings Add the following code . aitao menu {display: none; width: 0px; text indent: 2000px;} --------------- Hide the WeChat Taobao homepage . aitao menu {float: right;} --------------- Display the WeChat Taobao homepage on the right side of the navigation

Tmall store navigation CSS description:

 Navigation bar height and background settings .skin-box-bd .menu-list{height:35px; background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #B83F44;} Navigation text settings .skin-box-bd .menu-list .menu .title{float:none; font-size:14px;color:#FFF;font-family:microsoft yahei;} Hide All Classifications .all-cats .link{display:none;} Navigating the width and height of each category .skin-box-bd .menu-list .menu{width:95px; height:35px;} Navigate the settings of links under each category .skin-box-bd .menu-list .menu a{width:95px; height:35px;padding:0;line-height:35px;text-align:center;display:block;} Navigate the selected style . skin box bd. menu list. menu selected {background: url (background. png) no repeat 0 - 84px;} Navigation mouse over settings . menu list. menu over. link {background: url (background. png) no repeat 0 - 84px;} Navigation drop-down list text color settings .skin-box-bd .popup-content .sub-cat .cat-name{font-size:14px; color:#FFF;font-family:microsoft yahei;} Navigation drop-down list background color .skin-box-bd .popup-content{background:#B83F44;} Navigation drop-down list mouse over background color .skin-box-bd .popup-content .menu-popup-cats .sub-cat-hover{background:#600;}

Dangdang store full screen no broadcast code (1920 * 400):

 <div style="height:400px;" class="shop_topbanner"> <div style="position: absolute; margin-left:-480px;"> <a href="Picture link" target="_blank"><img height="400" width="1920" src="Picture. jpg"/> </div> </div>

JD full screen code:

 <div style="width:1920px; height:400px"> <div style="width:1920px; left:50%; position:absolute; height:400px;"> <div style=" width:1920px; margin-left:-960px;height:400px; "> <img src="Picture. jpg"/> </div> </div> </div>