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    This is a way to call the article list through keywords or tags plug-in unit , each article can be set with an independent keyword or tag, and all articles containing this keyword or tag can be called autograph The article titles of are displayed on the page. Each tag article list displays 10 articles by default, and the number of calls is modified on the plug-in settings page.

    Label article list Tone follows purity theme Settings, with day and night switching, adaptive mobile terminal.

    The plug-in has the following function options:

    List Type

    [User defined Keyword]: fill in the list of [Global] articles matched by the user defined keyword method, in the format of "Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3";

    [Label ID]: fill in the list of articles whose label ID method matches [the whole station or contains the label] (the label ID is viewed in the label management on the left), in the format of "1,2,3";

    *Tip: When creating or editing an article/page, fill in keywords or tag IDs. Multiple keywords/tag IDs are separated by commas in English, without commas at the beginning and end.

    Match label article range

    [Match all site articles]: match [keyword or tag ID] in all site articles;

    [Match articles with this tag]: only match articles with the set tag ID;

    Matching conditions

    [Match Title Only]: Get the articles with the set keyword or tag name in the title;

    [Match Title and Content]: Get articles with set keywords or tag names in the title and body;

    [Exclude the current article]: Exclude the current article from the list.

    Sort by View: Sort by view from high to low.

    Maximum number of article lists

    You can set the display quantity of each list. If left blank, 10 articles will be displayed by default;

    Plug in function and setting interface:

    Call keyword article list:

    Call tag article list:

    2022-02-09 Update V1.3

    -Switch to add browsing volume from high to low;

    -Fix an error in the tag ID matching condition;

    Update V1.2 on January 21, 2022

    -Add the function of excluding the current article;

    -Add and disable plug-in retention configuration function;

    Update V1.1 on January 14, 2022

    -The optimization plug-in does not rely on pure themes, and all themes can be used;

    -Add new condition list type, list range and list condition;

    -Rename plug-in ID, original ID: tpure pagetag list;

    Release V1.0 on January 8, 2022

  • Application Purchase and Use Agreement

    1. Before you purchase an app, you need to confirm whether it meets your needs. According to Article 25 of the Consumer Protection Law, the app is a digital product downloaded online and cannot be refunded once it is downloaded and installed after purchase.

    2. You are responsible for complying with any applicable laws when using this app. If anyone infringes on the rights and interests of others or violates the law, we will bear all the consequences, and we will not bear any responsibility.

    3. The applications you purchased in Tuoyuan (hereinafter referred to as our site) and zblog application center are not bound with domain names. You only need to log in to the Tuoyuan account in the application to use it, but they cannot be used in the station cluster system. If a large number of request servers cause congestion and affect the use of other users, we will close your account.

    4. An application can only be used for a single account. Without the consent of the website, it cannot be released, presented, resold, leased, pirated, etc., or we will permanently close your account and reserve the right to continue to investigate relevant responsibilities.

    5. Unless otherwise specified, the purchased applications only include relevant use rights and free update services. The website or zblog application center does not provide additional customized modification or image processing services.

    6. Our website reserves the right to change, restrict, freeze or terminate your use of certain functions without notifying you and assuming no responsibility for you.

    Purchasing Guide

    1. Tuoyuan Channel: Please register your account and log in first, click the "Buy Now" button on the intended application details page to enter the order page, and follow the instructions.

    2. Channel of zblog application center: register and log in to the application center, visit the intended application details page, click the "Purchase Application" button, and follow the instructions.

    3. The station is open for a limited time Tuoyuan fan welfare For activities, you can get coupons every quarter and use them when placing orders on this website.

    Download and Installation Guide

    1. Tuoyuan.com channel: log in to the site and click the top navigation avatar to enter the user center, on the left“ Order management ”Download the application (zba format file) in, and then go to the theme management or plug-in management on the left side of the background of your website zblog, upload the zba file and enable it.

    2. Channel of zblog application center: log in to the background of your website zblog, find the purchased application in the "Application Center" - "My Application Warehouse" on the left, click the application title to enter the application details, and then "Get Application" installation.

    Use and Help Guide

    1. The Tuoyuannet application of this website and zblog application center needs to log in to the Tuoyuannet account inside the application for use.

    2. Since zblog and php have file upload restrictions, please refer to Help Documents Modify settings.