• A nationwide outbreak of "locust trojan" crazy money stealing privacy

    Beijing, Aug. 3 (Reporter Wang Siyuan) According to China Business News, a mobile phone trojan named "locust" suddenly broke out yesterday. After the trojan horse intrudes into the mobile phone, it will automatically impersonate the owner of the phone and continue to send SMS messages to all the numbers in the address book, resulting in pyramid like proliferation. Security experts said that the virus has occurred all over the country at present, with a spread scale of about one million, and the suspect is likely to be a student at school. Website link opens the black hole of fee absorption Li Jun from Zigong, Sichuan received a friend's number at 11:00 yesterday morning read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: August 3, 2014 | Classification: Virus warning , network security | No comment
  • The pirated Win7 has a built-in "plague seven" trojan, which is infected crazily by XP

    On May 23, 360 Security Center issued a Trojan alert, saying that a pirated system called "Win7GhostSP1 Ultimate Installation Edition" had a built-in Trojan driver (intelk36. sys). Its infection rate has been rising since April this year. Recently, tens of thousands of computers have been recruited every day, which may be related to the reinstallation of some XP computers after Windows XP stopped service. This malicious program parasitic in pirated Win7 is also named "Plague Seven" Trojan Horse. When the computer system of the "plague seven" trojan is loaded, the browser home page and famous shopping websites such as Taobao will be hijacked by the trojan read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: May 23, 2014 | Classification: Virus warning , network security | No comment
  • Virus forecast (July 29, 2013 to August 4, 2013)

    Through monitoring the Internet, the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center found that a malicious trojan Trojan_Generic F。 The malicious trojan program disguised itself as a Java upgrade program by modifying the key values related to the registry of the infected operating system to automatically start with the system boot. After the malicious trojan/program runs, it will find the host process in the infected operating system and inject itself into the process file. At the same time, the trojan will copy itself to the directory specified by the infected operating system, and rename read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: August 1, 2013 | Classification: Virus warning , network security | No comment