Previously, an incorrect route was added to the static route, causing network failure, which directly led to that OpenWrt soft route losing connection and being inaccessible. The problem was also solved easily. vi/etc/config/networkwork can restart the network card service network restart after deleting the wrong route

April 10, 2022 1 comment 3589 points heat 1 person likes Gcod read the whole passage

If the VPS hard disk is an SSD solid state disk, the normal speed measurement may not really reflect the performance of the SSD. We can install the hdparm tool on the vps for testing The steps are as follows: Execute the following command to install hdparm yum install hdparm - y, enter fdisk - l, list all partition tables, and use hdparm - t to test the speed of a hard disk, such as hdparm - t/dev/vda1

March 14, 2020 0 comments 2131 point heat 1 person likes Gcod read the whole passage

The complete operation record is as follows: # Step 1: Install davfs2 yum install davfs2 - y # Create the directory mkdir/www/wwwroot/mdzz # in the appropriate location as needed to mount - t davfs /After executing www/wwwroot/mdzz, enter Yandex's account and password according to the prompt. Note: The OpenVZ architecture server can be used normally only when Fuse is enabled! Test environment: CentOS Linux 7.4

March 19, 2018 0 comments 3073 point heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

Recently, I used the VPS of Buyvm, which is very cost-effective, but because his family is operated by ONEMAN, he is afraid of running away. The loss of money is not important, just a few dollars. What about the data? If it is lost, it will be very interesting. This paper introduces a method that automatically backs up website and database files every day, sends EMAIL to mailbox, uploads website and data and adds files to FTP space, and automatically deletes old backups. First install the EMAIL sending component: yum install sendmail mutt Script Download address: The script code is as follows (pay attention to modifying the FTP server address, user name and password): #

August 13, 2017 3 comments 2766 points heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

Centos system service script directory:/usr/lib/systemd/can be divided into system (system) and user (user). If the program can be run without login when it needs to be started, it is stored in the system service (system), that is,/lib/systemd/system/on the contrary, the program can be run only after the user logs in, and the service ends with. service in the user (user). Let's take nginx for example. 1. Create a service file vim/lib/systemd/system/nginx. service [Unit] Description=nginx After=netwo

January 15, 2017 0 comments 1799 points heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

Execute ifconfig to view the name of the network card. Use vim to edit the file. vim/etc/sysconfig/network scripts/ifcfg - Change the name of the network card from ONBOOT=no to ONBOOT=yes ESC: wq Save and exit

January 1, 2017 0 comments 2373 point heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

View only the IPV4 port netstat - ln t | awk 'NR>2 {print $4}' | grep - E '' | sed's/. *://'| sort - n | uniq View only the ipv6 port netstat - ln t | awk' NR>2 {print $4} '| grep - E':: '| sed's/. *://' | sort - n | uniq Both ipv4 and ipv6 have netstat - ln t | awk 'NR>2 {print $4}' | gr

October 3, 2016 1 comment 23926 point heat 2 people like Gcod read the whole passage

Linux modifies the ssh port 22 vi/etc/ssh/ssh_config vi/etc/ssh/sshd_config, and then modifies it to port 8888 to service sshd restart (redhat as3) as root using push. The default port of SSH under port 8888 Linux is 22. For security reasons, the port of SSH is now modified to 1433, The modification method is as follows:/usr/sbin/sshd - p 1433 To enhance security, first add a user with normal permissions: # useradd loader # pa

August 20, 2016 0 comments 1891 point heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

Command prompt[ root@localhost ~]#Root: the current login user localhost: hostname~: the current directory, here is the "home" directory #: the prompt of root superuser, if it is a normal user, it is a $command format command [options] [parameters] brackets [] indicates that you can optionally query the contents of the directory: ls ls [options] [files or directories] options: - a: display all files, Including hidden files - l: display details - d: view directory attributes - h: humanize file size - i: display inode According to the above options, type the command, and the results are as follows: [root @

December 28, 2015 0 comments 1754 point heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage