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Lenovo, the bastard

Precocious 15 years ago (2010-01-24) comment five thousand eight hundred and six six


               Lenovo Notebook The user experience in China is very good. Many people say it is good, but I just don't like it. When I bought a computer this year, I deliberately ignored Lenovo because it has a bad impact on me! Let's see:


Today, I received an email from Lenovo Data Center, informing me that the Lenovo online disk data has been restored.

Dear Lenovo Online Disk User
You store in Lenovo Online Data Center The free version of data has been activated and can be used normally. Please log in to check.
Lenovo Online Data Center

I used to recognize Lenovo's products. After all, a Chinese brand is a bit famous in the world! So I used to choose the online disk service from other businesses, but this product is really good,

Lenovo Network Disk is a 5G free network hard disk with storage space launched by Lenovo Online Data Center, a subsidiary of Lenovo Group. The initial capacity of new users is 1G, with an increase of 10M every day. Until 5G, the data is permanently valid. Uploading a single file is limited to 100M, and multiple files can be uploaded at the same time. It supports breakpoint resume, and the flash version can be uploaded online without downloading and installing controls or software. Lenovo online disk supports circle sharing, friend sharing, and sharing through the email chain, but it does not support files uploaded directly through the chain.

It used to be very good, but Lenovo upgraded it in July. It didn't offer free user registration, only paid VIP users, and frozen some accounts that haven't been logged in for a long time. I was interning in Suning's after-sales service department at that time. Before the holiday, I uploaded some important information there. When I returned home, I could look at it, Cannot login! The reason is that I haven't logged into the account for 30 days! It even shut down free users without any notice, resulting in the loss of my data. Damn, there are data reports that I have worked hard for a month, saving some important loan information of our school! I just lost it, which made me go back to school in the summer to take back the scattered materials and reorganize them.

After the data loss that time, many users whose accounts were frozen like mine made noise and scolded Lenovo on the forum every day, calling Lenovo treacherous and dishonest! Later, Lenovo closed the forum and everyone arrived Baidu Post Bar Noisy, there are still many ugly posts there.

One user wrote:
Lenovo launched its VIP service in the name of beauty. We don't object to your charging. But you can't trap these free users who have followed you for more than a year, or even grown up with you, for the sake of money. We upgraded from 1G to 4G and 5G. We gave you all the treasures and all the efforts, but you shut down the upload function without saying a word, added the login time limit, and deleted our files, I can only use two words to describe you - shameless
You are like a liar who provides us with free online disks, like a drug dealer who gives me marijuana -- smoke it, free. When we become addicted and get used to owning your online disks, you turn over and charge. It's shameless. It's fraud, and you are hurting our hearts
When I chose Lenovo, I valued its brand. I thought that the so-called international companies would be trustworthy and stable, but now I think they are nothing but farts.  
Lenovo, you should be open-minded about money and benefit yourself at the expense of others. If you hurt someone once, you won't be cheated twice. Wish you can go far.  
It is suggested that all users who have been fooled by Lenovo should post on the top to make them notorious, hurt our hearts and shed Lenovo's blood

Lenovo opened the data recovery function after being scolded. I also tried it. Yaya, give me a hint that your account will be restored in six months! Shit, associate you with me, asshole! It can't be disgusting to this extent! Half a year later, I have already forgotten everything!

Just now, I logged in and looked at it. There is no lack of information, but after this trouble, do we dare to use it?


Lenovo Online Disk Client Interface



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 idle man
15 years ago (2010-01-25)

The first time I left a message here
Edited by Wei Han at 15:46:16 on January 25, 2010

You know it's the first time [F] Cool [/F]
15 years ago (2010-01-25)
15 years ago (2010-01-24)

Let me take a brick for you

15 years ago (2010-01-24)
15 years ago (2010-01-24)

Quickly transfer the data out, and no longer use Lenovo's service

[F] Cry [/F] Data has been transferred out
15 years ago (2010-01-24)
15 years ago (2010-01-24)

Personality problems congratulations

Reply from Qing:
If you have the ability to catch me ha-ha
15 years ago (2010-01-26)
15 years ago (2010-01-24)
15 years ago (2010-01-24)

Calm down.. Benben said hello to the blogger.

15 years ago (2010-01-24)
 Jisi Blog
15 years ago (2010-01-24)

I didn't expect Lenovo to be so disgusting. Fortunately, I never used any Lenovo products.

I was cheated by it
15 years ago (2010-01-24)



 I can't see it clearly. Change it

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