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Consumers can check the credit information of service personnel. "Home Economics Credit Check" goes online

Recently, the "Home Economics Credit Check" small program led by the Ministry of Commerce was launched. This program will support domestic enterprises to establish credit records for domestic workers, carry out verification and verification of professional background information, and provide consumers with free information query services for domestic enterprises and domestic workers.

The domestic service attendant can query the information of the national vocational skill grade certificate that he has obtained through the applet, and display it to consumers in the personal credit record. The applet also adds the function of skill training module, which provides more than 800 class hours of video training courses in maternal and infant care, infant care enlightenment, elderly care, nutrition catering and other aspects for free. After passing the examination, the training certificate can be obtained and included in the credit information record.

With the authorization of the domestic service staff, consumers can query their personal credit records and obtained national vocational skill level certificates and other information, which will help protect consumers' right to know, further facilitate the docking of domestic supply and demand, and better meet the people's needs for a better life.

Consumers can directly search "Home Economics Credit Check" on the home page of WeChat and Alipay to obtain the credit query service of home economics waiters. It is understood that the "housekeeping credit check" applet is an important part of the national housekeeping service credit information platform. Up to now, the platform has collected 19000 domestic enterprises and more than 15 million pieces of credit information of domestic workers.


(CCTV reporter Chen Qian)

key word: Housekeeper Alipay Home economics credit check Credit information Housekeeping enterprises

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