It is suitable for building website collection, website navigation and Taobaoke store promotion website

User Help zero five hundred and eighty

A small website navigation zblog template based on Z-Blog, with simple blue and white style and responsive adaptive structure, is compatible with mainstream browsers such as IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and supports PC and mobile phone access.

 It is suitable for building website collection, website navigation and Taobaoke store promotion website

The theme has the latest information, classified web addresses, and data statistics modules. It provides three sidebar modules, namely, the latest recommendation, hot review recommendation, and popular recommendation. It has five built-in advertising spaces, a background theme configuration panel, and supports user-defined web page title/keywords/description. The theme supports visitors to submit websites, which is suitable for website collection, website navigation, Taobao customer store promotion and other diversion type websites.

Theme features:

  • Development and production based on the latest version of zblog php;

  • Support user-defined classification title keywords、description;

  • Support custom tag title keywords、description;

  • Support custom page title keywords、description;

  • Support custom article title keywords、description;

  • Support the default sidebar of background module management;  

  • Built in theme configuration panel, easy to operate and set;

  • There are five built-in advertising spaces, which support the creation of new sidebar modules to add advertisements;

  • Built in the latest recommendation, popular recommendation, hot review recommendation graphics module;

  • Built in website classification list and news classification list template;

  • Responsive structure, adaptive computer and mobile phone terminal equipment;

  • Compatible with IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and other mainstream browsers;

  • For more, please visit the demo station experience

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