• 20 ideas for intrusion website webshell right server

    Now, because all gods share some Oday vulnerabilities in the public website program, we can use our website webshell For example, the common upload vulnerability of the dynamic network, SQL injection vulnerability of various websites, database explosion vulnerability, overflow vulnerability, etc.. However, only obtaining the webshell of the website can no longer meet our needs. We want to further obtain the administrator permissions of the website server through webshell. Here is Xiaocan's introduction to 20 common webshell empowerment ideas I collected. 1. SER-TU authorization (usually using SERFTP server management read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: May 30, 2014 | Classification: Rookie Entry , Hacker attack and defense | No comment
  • Seay Discuz Bulk User Password Violence Cracker

    explain: 1. Support discoz X1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.1 and other versions. 2. The program will automatically judge the code. 3. Those with verification code cannot be exploded. 4. Dictionary supports% username% to use user name as password (% username% 123) 5. Support exporting user name list and successfully exploded list 6. Don't find me when the AV forum is caught If you want to blow up users in only a few specific user groups, you can select an unwanted user group after obtaining the user list, right-click to copy the user group, paste it into the user group input box below, and click read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: May 26, 2014 | Classification: Hacker Tools , Hacker attack and defense | 2 comments
  • The pirated Win7 has a built-in "plague seven" trojan, which is infected crazily by XP

    On May 23, 360 Security Center issued a Trojan alert, saying that a pirated system called "Win7GhostSP1 Ultimate Installation Edition" had a built-in Trojan driver (intelk36. sys). Its infection rate has been rising since April this year. Recently, tens of thousands of computers have been recruited every day, which may be related to the reinstallation of some XP computers after Windows XP stopped service. This malicious program parasitic in pirated Win7 is also named "Plague Seven" Trojan Horse. When the computer system of the "plague seven" trojan is loaded, the browser home page and famous shopping websites such as Taobao will be hijacked by the trojan read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: May 23, 2014 | Classification: Virus warning , network security | No comment
  • Eight cmd commands that administrators must master

    1、 Ping It is a command used to check whether the network is unblocked or the network connection speed. As an administrator or hacker living on the network, The ping command is the first DOS command that must be mastered. Its principle is as follows: all machines on the network have unique IP addresses. We send a packet to the target IP address, and the other party will return a packet of the same size. According to the returned packet, we can determine the existence of the target host, The operating system of the target host can be preliminarily determined. below... read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: May 23, 2014 | Classification: Rookie Entry , Hacker attack and defense | No comment
  • Hackers find the way to unlock the stolen iPhone

    On May 22, it was reported that two foreign hackers had found a way to unlock the stolen Apple devices, according to foreign media reports. In recent days, the two hackers posted many photos of unlocked iPhones and iPads on their Twitter pages. This is "good news" for thieves who steal iPhones and iPads. Apple devices have anti-theft protection function, that is, the "activation lock" option. Users can connect to Apple servers through iCloud services, set passwords remotely and delete all personal data. When the thief swipes the software read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: May 22, 2014 | Classification: Industry News , Hacker attack and defense | No comment
  • Some Simple Skills of Social Engineering

    Social engineering has become one of the most popular attacks at present, and it always appears in some large data leakage cases. For example, RSA break encountered targeted phishing and loading vulnerable Excel files in 2011. Therefore, for enterprises capable of simulating real attacks, social worker penetration testing should become a mandatory strategy for each penetration testing toolkit. Social workers' behavior is very dependent on psychology, and there are many very suspicious lures that can persuade people to engage in certain operations. For example, Robert Cialdini read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: May 20, 2014 | Classification: Social worker related , Hacker attack and defense | 1 comment
  • Network attack forms industry and interest chain, and hackers are young

    Cyber attacks form an industry and interest chain On May 13, Dongfang.com reported that online game platforms could not log in during prime time. What happened? A few days ago, the Xuhui Public Security Branch received an alarm that the online game platform had been attacked, and the investigation found that the culprit behind it was a network attack criminal gang. Since 2012, in order to seek illegal interests and exclude horizontal competition, this gang led by Tu has acquired bandwidth traffic controlled by hackers, and then organized network attack teams to continuously attack specific websites, making these read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: May 13, 2014 | Classification: Industry News , Hacker attack and defense | No comment