• Several methods to bypass injection prevention

    1. Use coding techniques to bypass For example, URLEncode code, ASCII encoding bypass. For example, or 1=1, i.e.% 6f% 72% 20% 31% 3d% 31, and Test can also be CHAR (101)+CHAR (97)+CHAR (115)+CHAR (116). 2. Bypass by space For example, two spaces instead of one space, tab instead of space, or delete all spaces, such as or swords =‘swords, Because of the looseness of mssql, we can remove the space between or words without affecting the operation. 3. Use string judgment instead Judge with the classic or 1=1 read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: February 22, 2014 | Classification: Rookie Entry , Hacker attack and defense | No comment
  • Social worker data analyzed by Jiyou (transfer)

    First of all, I am not a social worker. I just want to talk about my personal opinion. I can only provide you with a few ideas. Welcome to add. Here I call our social worker A. First Search his QQ number online first, and you will generally get a series of BBS such as Baidu Post Bar and Baidu Know. The most useful one is Baidu Post Bar, which contains a lot of information, such as school, class, age, birthday, trumpet, etc. Among them, the trumpet is the most valuable. Ordinary people dare not send their privacy to the large size. Example: One day when surfing the Internet read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: February 13, 2014 | Classification: Social worker related , Hacker attack and defense | No comment
  • Details of LAN intrusion detection process

    First of all, declare that: 1. The scope of intrusion only includes the LAN. If you are in a school, you can invade the entire campus network; 2. The only machine that can intrude is the weak password (the user name is administrator, etc., and the password is empty), or the machine that knows the account password and has opened port 139 but has not opened the firewall. Intrusion tools: Generally, three are used: NTscan abnormal scanner, Recton – D special edition of He Mian Kill, DameWare Mini Chinese 4.5 (The first two tools, antivirus software, will report viruses. It is recommended that the real-time antivirus software be temporarily turned off and this read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: February 1, 2014 | Classification: Rookie Entry , Hacker attack and defense | No comment