• Top 10 Horrors of 2013 Blackhat Conference

    2013 Blackhat Conference has been held in Las Vegas for the 16th consecutive year. Compared with those boring conferences that can only talk big on paper, there are new things happening every year here, which makes every visitor nervous and excited. This is the real charm of a colorful conference. You may think that it is irresponsible for these speakers on blackhat to disclose such dangerous security vulnerabilities. On second thought, do they really want users to explore the ability of reverse operation of intelligent toilets, or let surveillance cameras read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: September 30, 2013 | Classification: Industry News , Hacker attack and defense | No comment
  • WebShell password cracking tool V10

    Tool introduction: WebShell password cracking tool V10 is a trojan back door password tool that can be used to crack passwords left by other hackers on websites. WebShell password explosive force cracking tool V10. Support asp/aspx/php/jsp webshell to customize the successful blasting feature. The speed of cracking depends on your vpn speed and server speed! Download address: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mYXoc Extract password: j84a Dictionary download: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1f2bN4 read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: September 30, 2013 | Classification: Hacker Tools , Hacker attack and defense | 1 comment
  • What impact does Google Hummingbird algorithm have on SEO optimization

    On September 28, 2013, Google Hummingbird algorithm was officially updated. Its algorithm core is similar to Baidu's box computing. We all know that Baidu's box computing has pitted many webmasters and intercepted a large amount of traffic. So is the update of Google Hummingbird algorithm the same as Baidu's? What impact does it have on SEO? First, briefly introduce the Google Hummingbird algorithm. Google Hummingbird algorithm means "accurate" and "fast", and pays more attention to semantic analysis. This algorithm is not a minor repair, but a rewrite of the entire ranking algorithm. Google Official read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: September 29, 2013 | Classification: Seo optimization , News , Website operation | No comment
  • Havij 1.15 Pro cracked version sql injection check software

    Havij is a powerful automatic injection tool, written by a foreign god. Software instructions: Since the program is written in VB, it is necessary to register some controls. The controls have been packaged into a self extracting format. Run the registered control. exe under the root directory directly, register these controls, and then you can use the program. If there is a failure in Win7 and other systems, try registering the controls and starting the main program with administrator permissions You should be very clear about the Havij injection tool. Daniel and Mavericks should have played with it. It's better than read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: September 29, 2013 | Classification: Hacker Tools , Hacker attack and defense | 1 comment
  • Male decadent online name: infatuation remains buried in the sea

    Pull the lock to clamp the chicken@ Guns and Roses@ Nima Kengdai Goodbye youth ≈ Immortal Uncle-` Three relationships-` Love is long and new-` The sea is upside down-` Love snatching-` Charming danger-` Your beauty-` Lightning love-` Special love-` じ Since he was young じじじじじじじじじじじ山山山山山山山山山山山山山山 Super sense " //Juvenile delinquency// Simple Heart stirring To break the ground ------ StOp, pain. The system will bury the love in the sea Time is like an old beauty Stable love Recently, I have been annoyed Aspiration and heartache The unbridled youth and soul Hate your love read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: September 28, 2013 | Classification: QQ personality net name , Tencent QQ | No comment
  • The Hidden Jianghu of Hackers and Private Gaming Server

    Chu Yunfan "We are just night pots for them. When we need to use them at night, we need to use them. When it is dawn, we will feel dirty and smelly and kick them into the bed." - Said by Zhou Chaoxian in the film "Black Gold" From 0:06 on August 25, many domestic users found themselves visiting When the website of the CN domain name failed to be resolved, it was later confirmed that China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) managed and operated the country The CN top-level domain name system was attacked. After 2 hours, the problem was gradually solved, but all the faults were eliminated read the whole passage
    Author: qxz_xp | Published: September 27, 2013 | Classification: Latest information , network security | No comment