Teach you how to crack the Wi Fi password of the girl next door

The best neighbor is a good person who doesn't have a Wi Fi password, but now the neighborhood relationship is so indifferent that we have to rub Wi-Fi Always blocked at the door by the password. Without a good neighbor in China to provide a Wi Fi password, we will take the initiative to rub! Today, Hard Chuangbang will dedicate a method to capture Wi Fi passwords.

At present, the common Wi Fi encryption methods are WEP, WPA2 and WPS (the links are their own cracking methods). However, some netizens reported that the previous methods to crack WPA2 took too long and were not applicable to all WPS enabled access points. The method introduced today is more time-saving and labor-saving.

Main principles

  • Create a fake AP to "change civet for prince", and then revoke the authorization of the user AP,
  • Inform the user that a "firmware upgrade" is required and that the password needs to be verified again. Since your fake AP has the same SSID, the user will "tell" the password.
  • In this way, you can get the user's password and let the user use your fake AP as their access point. And the other party knows nothing.

There are similar scripts before, such as Airnarf; However, we use Wifisher this time. This optimized automated script is more convenient than the former.

To accomplish the above "big undertaking", you need Kali Linux And two wireless adapters, one of which must be able to support packet injection.

Step 1: Download Wifisher

The address is on Github( Link Here )。

As shown in the figure, this is the solved Wifisher source code.


Of course, if you are lazy, you can also copy the code on GitHub~

Step 2: Navigate to the directory

Next, navigate to the directory where Wifisher was unzipped when it was created. For the illustration /wifiphisherWi-Fi1.1

When you see the contents of the directory, you will see wifiphisher.py Script for.


Step 3: Run the script

You can type the following script implementation.

 kali > python wifiphisher.py

Note that there is a problem here:


If you run the script for the first time, it may prompt you to install hostpad. Type Y to continue the installation.


When finished, run the Wifisher script again.

This time, you will run the 8080 and 43 port Web servers, and then start searching nearby Wi-Fi Network.


When the search is complete, we will find a series of Wi Fi network names. The wonderhowto at the bottom is our goal.


Step 4: Get the password

Press Ctrl+C and type the number of APs you want to copy. Here we select 12.


Click Enter, and Wifisher will display the following results, showing the interface being used, as well as the SSID of the AP being attacked and copied.


The target user has cancelled the verification of their AP, and then a firmware upgrade message will appear requesting them to re verify. Once re verified, they access the pseudo access point.


When the user enters the password, it will be transmitted to you through the open terminal of Wifisher, and then they will still surf the Internet as usual, calm, but they do not know that we have obtained the password.


Now you can start to enjoy Wi Fi! Or do something terrible. Everyone knows that

Original article reprint please specify: reprint from Seven Travelers Blog

Fixed link of this article: https://www.qxzxp.com/6406.html

Teach you how to crack the Wi Fi password of the girl next door: there are currently 11 messages

  1. 0F
    :( :

    Where is the program after installation

    2020-07-30 18:41 [Reply]
  2. It's fishing

    2016-09-07 23:08 [Reply]
  3. 66666666666666666666666

    2016-08-01 20:35 [Reply]
  4. The layout is beautiful, simple and generous, and I like it personally

    2016-08-01 20:21 [Reply]
  5. I watched it again

    2016-07-31 20:46 [Reply]
  6. This article is very thoughtful,

    2016-06-01 15:09 [Reply]
  7. 0F
    Stone like heart :

    2016-05-24 16:20 [Reply]
  8. 0F
    qzuser :


    2016-01-18 01:06 [Reply]
  9. It's been a long time. Come and have a look

    2016-01-10 03:04 [Reply]
  10. On my birthday, I invited a lot of people. After blowing the candles, the gossip girl asked, "What did you wish for?"? Brain damage: I hope the people present (except me) will be happy all their lives. Everyone was very moved. The gossip girl asked again: "If you say your wish, it won't work.". Brain damage: It's OK, but it's not effective, otherwise why should I say it! http://www.jfox.info

    2016-01-10 03:04 [Reply]
  11. Easy to paste, both hands agree!

    2015-12-16 13:11 [Reply]


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