Fishing Wi Fi and sniffing test tool 3vilTwinAttacker

Disclaimer: The security tools and procedures (methods) provided by this website may be offensive, and they are only used for security research and teaching at your own risk!

 twenty trillion and one hundred and fifty billion three hundred and twenty-five million one hundred and fifty-one thousand three hundred and thirty-three


3vilTwinAttacker can help penetration testers create a fake phishing WiFi On the surface, this is a normal AP (network access point) that provides online services, but in fact it is imperceptibly sniffing for network traffic.

Software dependencies

Kali linux is recommended
Airbase ng (included in airfrack ng)

DHCP installation (Debian)

$ sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

Kali linux

$ echo “deb wheezy main ” >> /etc/apt/sources.list
$ apt-get update && apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

DHCP Installation (RedHat)


$ sudo yum install dhcp

Tools Options

 sixty-eight billion seven hundred and forty-seven million four hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and thirty-three

Etter.dns: Edit etter.dns to loading module dns spoof.
Dns Spoof: Start dns spoof attack in interface ath0 fake AP.
Ettercap: Start ettercap attack in host connected AP fake Capturing login credentials.
Sslstrip: The sslstrip listen the traffic on port 10000.
Driftnet: The driftnet sniffs and decodes any JPEG TCP sessions, then displays in an window.
Deauth Attack: kill all devices connected in AP (wireless network) or the attacker can Also put the Mac-address in the Client field, Then only one client disconnects the access point.
Probe Request: Probe request capture the clients trying to connect to AP,Probe requests can be sent by anyone with a legitimate Media Access Control (MAC) address, as association to the network is not required at this stage.
Mac Changer: you can now easily spoof the MAC address. With a few clicks, users will be able to change their MAC addresses.
Device FingerPrint: list devices connected the network mini fingerprint, is information collected about a local computing device.

Video presentation

Tool download address:

Original article reprint please specify: reprint from Seven Travelers Blog

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Phishing Wi Fi and sniffing test tool 3vilTwinAttacker: there is currently 1 message

  1. Strong strong strong~~, great, thank you

    2016-01-10 09:08 [Reply]


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