PayPal exposes security loopholes, account funds can easily double in a few steps

  one hundred and five million six hundred and forty-three thousand six hundred and forty-seven

News on June 13, well-known hacker Razvan Cernaianu said on Thursday that finding a security vulnerability in PayPal's account could easily double the user's funds.

Sennenu said that the key to doubling the funds is to transfer the account funds to another account before applying for refund. Specifically, hacker Three PayPal accounts, one legitimate buyer account, one one-time seller account, and a third account are required. The last two accounts need to be bundled with virtual credit cards.

Sennenu said: "Transfer the funds to the second account for the reason of buying a mobile phone. Then transfer the funds from the second account to the third account for the reason of 'gift giving'. After 24 hours, apply for a refund for the reason of not receiving the mobile phone on time."

"Because the second account is a virtual account, Paypal cannot withdraw funds from it. Therefore, after the refund, the user has $500 in his first legitimate PayPal account and $500 in his third account. "

Sennenu said that he had loophole Notify PayPal, and PayPal also acknowledged that loophole PayPal said: "This situation may appear in our system, but repeated fraud has been blocked." But PayPal did not explain how to solve one-time fraud.

Sennenu has invaded the computer network of the Pentagon, NASA and the Royal Navy, and was claimed 120000 dollars. (Tan Ran)

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PayPal exposes security loopholes, and the account funds can easily double in a few steps: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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