On July 21, it was reported that the Ubuntu official forum was hacked

Last night, Ubuntu's official forum was hacked, and data was obtained by hackers. It is estimated that 1.82 million accounts were affected. At the time of the report, the forum was still being maintained. Although Ubuntu does not officially store passwords in plain text, it still publishes an announcement strongly suggesting that members change the passwords of other consistent services, such as email.

 Ubuntu official forum is hacked

In addition to being hacked and redirected to a rental advertisement, there is no sign of hackers publishing passwords or further sabotage. Ubuntu Forum is based on the vBulletin Forum software, which is a very popular network application.

Original article reprint please specify: reprint from Seven Travelers Blog

Fixed link of this article: https://www.qxzxp.com/364.html

On July 21, the official Ubuntu forum was hacked: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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