Rising worm automatically starts to transmit private information to hackers

Rising Safety Weekly:


This week is the National Day. According to the statistics of Ruixing's "Cloud Security" system, 335825 phishing websites were intercepted, and 1.12 million netizens were attacked by phishing websites. During the festival, a worm called "Autorun" should alert users. The virus replicates itself after running and sets itself to boot. Poisoned computers will not be able to enter the security mode, reverse connect to the address designated by the hacker, download other malicious programs, and upload users' private files. At that time, computers will become the broilers of hackers, and users will also face risks such as disclosure of private information.

Phishing websites followed this week:

Fake Taobao phishing websites: http://www.zhifubao110.com/index.aspx; Phishing website of fake Chinese Voice: http://www.zkm9.com/; Fake online game transaction phishing websites: http://db3577.6.admin1000.com/, etc., which use social engineering principles to cheat netizens' online banking accounts and personal privacy information, should be vigilant.

Focus on viruses this week:

Alert level of "Worm. Win32. Autorun. txs ('Autorun' worm)"

After running, the virus will copy itself, set its own attribute to hidden, and will start automatically when it is turned on. At the same time, the virus will also delete the safe mode option, making the poisoned computer unable to enter the safe mode. The virus will also reverse connect to the designated address of the hacker, download other malicious programs, and upload users' private files. At that time, computers will become the broilers of hackers, and users will also face risks such as disclosure of private information.


1. Install and use the permanently free Rising anti-virus software V16, in which the "frequency conversion anti-virus" and "cloud killing" can thoroughly kill viruses; 2. Enable Rising's "intelligent anti phishing" function to effectively protect the computer from viruses and intercept attacks from phishing websites and trojans; 3. At the same time, you can call the customer service hotline 400-660-8866 for consultation, visit the customer service center website (http://csc. rising. com. cn) for help, and use the online expert clinic to get instant support.

Original article reprint please specify: reprint from Seven Travelers Blog

Fixed link of this article: https://www.qxzxp.com/3278.html

Rising worm virus starts automatically to send private information to hackers: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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