The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a special action to crack down on hackers' underground industrial chain

Trojans and botnets monitoring and research will be strengthened

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a round of special action to prevent and control hackers' underground industrial chain.

In the Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China on Printing and Distributing the Special Action Plan for Preventing and Managing the Hacker Underground Industrial Chain, which was released yesterday (8 days), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that in order to curb the spread of the hacker underground industrial chain, purify the network environment, protect the vital interests and property security of users and enterprises, the special action for preventing and managing the hacker underground industrial chain will be carried out from August to December 2013. In the announced action plan, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology pointed out that with the rapid development and increasing popularity of information networks, people's daily work and life are increasingly dependent on the network. Driven by economic interests, hacker activities, such as information theft, traffic attacks and phishing, are growing rapidly and forming an underground industrial chain, seriously endangering the vital interests of Internet users and enterprises. In recent years, the communication and Internet industries have taken a series of measures to prevent and control hacker activities, and achieved some results, but the related problems are still very prominent.

It is understood that the main tasks of this rectification action include: implementing the Monitoring and Disposal Mechanism of Trojan Horse and Botnet, strengthening the monitoring and research of Trojan Horse and Botnet, focusing on cleaning up and controlling the host computers and control domain names at the control end of larger Trojan Horse and Botnet, strengthening the verification of disposal effect, and exploring the disposal mode of the controlled end; Strengthen the monitoring, research and judgment of counterfeit government, financial, media and e-commerce websites, and strengthen the coordinated disposal of phishing website hosting hosts while disposing of phishing website domain names in the way of industry self-discipline; Implement the Mobile Internet Malicious Program Monitoring and Disposal Mechanism, strengthen mobile Internet malicious program network monitoring, carry out mobile Internet application security detection, and focus on cleaning up mobile Internet malicious programs with more controlled users and higher download times.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also requires the monitoring of online sales of "broilers", virtual property, user personal information and information on the provision of attack services, the correlation analysis of the beneficiaries of hacker activities, and the establishment of relevant reporting mechanisms. Dispose according to law, suspend business cooperation or expose SPs, websites, etc. that benefit from malicious fee sucking, advertising black chain and other behaviors.

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