Alibaba Cloud Min Wanli: AI is an assistant and will not replace human beings

15:53, January 17, 2016 Sina Technology micro-blog
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 Min Wanli, Alibaba Cloud data scientist Ali Min Wanli, a cloud data scientist

Sina Science and Technology News On the afternoon of January 17, it was reported that the "12+Thought Festival, the first Luke Fans Festival of Zhanlu Culture" was held in Beijing today. In the sub forum segment of "Technology · Reading · Future" hosted by Sina Technology, Alibaba Cloud Min Wanli, a data scientist, pointed out that artificial intelligence or robots must be an aid to human beings, rather than a complete replacement for human beings.

Min Wanli said that technically, the biggest difference between human and machine is that human beings are self creative and exploratory. But now almost all the logic of robot application design and self-learning logic mode are preset by human beings. In addition to the preset response to some new situations, the current robot technology is difficult to achieve a correct response.

He mentioned that the current hot automatic driving will fail soon if it is put in a completely unfamiliar free and open space.

Min Wanli believes that robots have more room to play in some specific and repetitive labor scenarios, such as assembly line operations.

From the perspective of application, Min Wanli said that the popularization of machines in the manufacturing industry would indeed have some impact on the existing work mode and employment, but he believed that it also gave people the opportunity to liberate the labor force and transform to do more valuable work. "For example, if a young man in a marginal mountain area is replaced by a machine after ten years of working on the assembly line at Foxconn, he can go back to his hometown to start a new business for local products, local tourism resources, etc.", he said. He believes that any technological progress must be more positive than negative for social development.

As for the widely discussed AI threat theory, Min Wanli said that it is more a self-discipline problem for researchers. He also mentioned that because it is difficult for robots to think like human brains, it is still too early to worry about threats.

He believes that instead of worrying about various problems of AI, it is better to accept the development of technology with an open mind and less hesitation, which will promote it in a more correct direction.

He also mentioned the research gap between China and the United States in artificial intelligence. He believes that this is closely related to the country's business environment. For developing countries, what they see is more immediate things such as financial reports and returns, while the NPC is investing in the future. Although these investments can not bring back any revenue now, they are cultivating the soil for future development. (Liu Can)

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