Samsung will invest $7.4 billion to supply OLED screens for iPhone

22:48, January 14, 2016 Sina Technology micro-blog
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Sina Technology News On the evening of January 14, Beijing time, according to South Korean media reports, Samsung Apple The issue of iPhone providing flexible OLED screen has actually been finalized, and Samsung will invest up to $7.47 billion in OLED factories and equipment.

At present, the iPhone uses LTPS (low-temperature polysilicon technology) display panel, which is supplied by LG Display, Japan Display and Sharp. But there have been reports that the iPhone will switch to an OLED screen. Compared with LTPS, AMOLED has many advantages, such as low energy consumption and outdoor clarity.

The Nikkei Industry News reported last December that Apple will use OLED displays in iPhones from 2018. Later, it was reported that Apple was close to reaching an agreement with LG Display and Samsung to supply OLED screens for iPhone.

The source said on Wednesday that Samsung's agreement to provide flexible OLED screens for iPhone has been finalized, and Samsung Display will provide most iPhone OLED screens for Apple to eliminate the current LTPS screens.

According to the report, Samsung will invest in factories to increase production, and will take orders as soon as the end of the first quarter of this year. After the investment, the capacity of Samsung Display will increase by 30000 pieces to 45000 pieces of substrates this year, and another 45000 pieces will be added in 2017.

This investment will be carried out in stages within two years. This year, it will invest 2.49 billion US dollars to 3.32 billion US dollars in factories and equipment. If another 45000 pieces are added in 2017, Samsung Display will make a second phase investment, bringing the total investment to US $6.64 billion to US $7.47 billion.

It is also reported that Samsung Display is also planning to invest in another factory to increase its monthly output by 15000 pieces of substrates to meet the needs of its Galaxy series mobile phones and Chinese smartphone manufacturers. If so, Samsung's investment this year will increase by at least another 830 million dollars. (Li Ming)

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