Red and foamy urine, alert to kidney disease

09:51, March 27, 2018 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily
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Do you know your kidney? Recently, Hou Fanfan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a well-known nephrology expert of Southern Medical University, admitted in an interview that although people often talk about "kidneys", most people do not pay enough attention to their own kidney health, and they are also careless about how to prevent diseases of the kidney system. "At present, many people do not understand the initial symptoms of kidney, such as urinary tract infection, and some people urinary tract infection If you feel unwell, you still think you are on fire and just drink some herbal tea. These misconceptions lead to kidney disease can not be detected and treated early, and the condition further develops. "

More than 100 million patients with chronic kidney disease will develop into uremia

As people grow older or when the body suffers from certain diseases such as hypertension diabetes It can induce damage to the structure of the kidney and decrease the function of the kidney. Academician Hou Fanfan said that China has more than 100 million chronic kidney disease patients, 10% of whom will develop uremia. Among these patients, uremia is caused by nephritis (45%), diabetes (20%), hypertension (17%), and kidney damage caused by diseases other than primary kidney disease cannot be ignored. However, the awareness rate of chronic kidney disease among Chinese people is only 25%.

"So far, no drug can completely cure uremia, and patients can only rely on hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or renal transplant To sustain life. " Hou Fanfan said.

Two primary diseases will damage the kidney

Diabetes: With the prolongation of the course of diabetes, more than half of the patients have proteinuria of different degrees, and a large amount of proteinuria will appear after the kidney damage is aggravated. The early occurrence of diabetic nephropathy is very insidious and not easy to be detected. If the long-term blood sugar control is poor, and there has been obvious urine foam for a long time, or accompanied by facial swelling, eye swelling, foot swelling, we must pay attention, which indicates the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy. If not treated in time, it is likely to develop uremia.

Hypertension: The kidney itself is used to filter toxins in the body, expel excess water and sodium salts through urine, and prevent protein, blood cells, etc. from leaking out of blood vessels. Hypertension increases the blood pressure in the blood vessels, leading to protein leakage into the urine. Once protein leakage occurs, it will damage the filtering system of the kidney. If hypertension is not well controlled for a long time, the structural damage caused is difficult to reverse, and renal function damage will gradually occur, the most serious consequence is uremia.

If you want to have a second child, it is recommended to assess the renal function before pregnancy

The special physiological structure of women determines that there are some specific diseases in the kidney system, such as urinary system infection erythema lupus Sexual nephritis, etc. The most widespread problem is that women gestation In the process, the kidney will bear more pressure. Data shows that more than 50% of patients with chronic kidney disease will have proteinuria aggravation after pregnancy. Pregnant women with renal function impairment are significantly more likely to have pregnancy induced hypertension, pre eclampsia, eclampsia or death.

Hou Fanfan introduced that pregnancy failure of patients with kidney disease premature delivery Cesarean section, small for gestational age infants and low birth weight infants are at higher risk, and pregnancy itself is also likely to accelerate the progression of kidney disease. Many elderly women are eager to have a second child. If they suffer from kidney disease, they should learn about it as soon as possible and accept the professional evaluation of doctors before deciding whether to have a pregnancy. If you don't know whether your kidney is healthy or not, you can do a kidney physical examination to find problems in time and improve the safety of pregnancy.

Some pregnant women dare not take drugs for their own kidney system health problems because they are afraid of affecting the safety of the fetus. In fact, pregnant women are the susceptible population of urinary tract infection, and they are easy to develop into Acute pyelonephritis , if not treated, it may lead to infectivity shock , seriously endangering the safety of mother and fetus. Therefore, once a pregnant woman has urinary symptoms or a positive bacterial culture is confirmed by urine test, she needs to go to a regular hospital for treatment as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the mother and fetus.

A simple method to detect early signs of kidney disease

Hou Fanfan stressed that to prevent chronic kidney disease, we should adjust our lifestyle, adhere to physical exercise, and maintain a healthy weight; Regularly work and rest to avoid fatigue; Relax and avoid emotional tension; Low salt diet, balanced nutrition. Regular physical examination, early detection and early treatment can also completely block or reverse the condition.

How can we find the symptoms of chronic kidney disease early? Hou Fanfan said that his observation of urine is the most direct and simple, and he should pay attention to regular urine examination. In case of the following conditions, it is necessary to be alert to kidney disease and go to the special hospital for kidney disease in time:

  1。 The foam in urine increases, and there is a small foam on the surface of the urine after standing for a period of time and it does not dissipate;

  2。 The urine color changes. The urine is turbid and looks like rice washing water. The urine color turns red, dark brown or even soy sauce;

  3。 The urine volume changes. The daily urine volume of normal people is about 1000~2000ml. Too little or too much urine volume indicates that the kidney may have problems.

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