Seven habits are liver killers

00:09, August 27, 2017 China Economic Network
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As we all know, the liver is the largest digestive gland of the human body and the center of metabolism in the body. Many bad habits are easy to damage our liver. Therefore, we have sorted out the seven bad habits that hurt our liver most, and we must pay attention to them.

Fatigue and obesity tend to accelerate liver damage

While regretting the dead, many netizens can't help wondering why such a young man was killed by liver cancer? According to the doctor, he completely obeyed the doctor's instructions during the treatment period, so some doctors speculated that the recurrence of his illness was probably due to his hard work and lack of rest after getting better.

Liver disease experts say that liver cancer is more "loving" and tiring hepatitis One family. At present, many hepatitis patients in their 50s are at the peak of their career. They are under great pressure to work, stay up all night, and their bodies are overwhelmed, which further worsens hepatitis into liver cancer. Experts also said that obesity is also a predisposing factor for liver cancer. There is a certain reason that obesity accelerates liver aging, because Fatty liver The patient's liver function became worse and the reserve capacity of the liver decreased.


These bad habits hurt the liver most

Nowadays, the pace of life is fast, the pressure is high, and many bad habits are easy to lead to decreased immunity. While regretting the dead, we should also pay more attention to our own bodies and understand that nothing is worth exchanging for health. The following seven bad habits that hurt the liver most must be noted.

sleep debt. Frequent staying up late not only leads to insufficient sleep and decreased body resistance, but also affects the liver's self repair at night

  Do not urinate in the morning. After getting up in the morning, urinate as soon as possible, which can discharge toxins accumulated all night in a timely manner, so as to avoid toxin retention in the body, reduce the burden on the liver, and thus avoid liver "poisoning".

  Overeating. Overeating not only damages the health of gastrointestinal tract, but also easily increases the free radicals in the body. The key role of the liver is to help the body deal with free radicals, eliminate toxins and purify the blood.

No breakfast. Nutrition experts say that eating breakfast helps neutralize stomach acid, protect liver and reduce pancreatitis diabetes gallstone constipation And other diseases.

  Take too much medicine. Many drugs and their metabolites are easy to cause liver damage, leading to drug-induced hepatitis. Therefore, medication must be taken in strict accordance with the doctor's advice and under the guidance of the doctor.

Excessive drinking. Excessive drinking will reduce the ability of the liver to purify blood, lead to increased toxins in the body, and induce liver damage and a variety of diseases. In addition, excessive drinking can easily lead to liver poisoning and hepatitis. Long term excessive drinking is easy to cause cirrhosis

   Pickled products, fried food, barbecue and other unhealthy food. Eating these unhealthy foods for a long time is likely to cause liver damage, increase the burden of detoxification of the liver, and induce liver damage.

It's the right time to nourish and protect the liver in summer

In the summer, the liver is very hot. In addition to staying up late, high pressure and other factors, we should pay more attention to nourishing the liver and protecting the liver in early summer, and protect our liver from diet, exercise and daily life.

   Go to bed before 11:00 pm

From 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. is the best stage for the liver to play its role in storing blood and detoxifying. Therefore, the first way to nourish the liver is to sleep before 11:00 p.m., and it is best to fall asleep at around 10:30 a.m., so that the liver is in a deep sleep state at 11:00 a.m., which is conducive to the return of blood to the liver and detoxification.

   Keep away from alcohol and medicine

Long term drinking is easy to cause Alcoholic hepatitis , damage the detoxification function of the liver. In addition, many drugs are metabolized by the liver after taking, which may produce some toxic metabolites, causing liver damage.

   Strengthen exercise

Exercise can prevent fatty liver and consume excess fat in the body. Those who have suffered from fatty liver should stick to physical exercise and do some aerobic exercises such as jogging, brisk walking and cycling properly to control weight gain.


   Viral hepatitis for example hepatitis B It is a common liver disease, so vaccination is also a very necessary preventive measure.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

The protective effect of vegetables and fruits on the liver is caused by the interaction of vitamins, minerals, fibers, etc. Among them, green leafy vegetables, carrots, potatoes and citrus fruits have the strongest preventive effect.

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