Five habits in the morning are comparable to chronic suicide

03:59, August 26, 2017 Family Doctor Online
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When you wake up from sleep, get up, eat, exercise and start your day, you may make mistakes unconsciously hypertension For patients, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events may be induced.

 Five habits in the morning are comparable to chronic suicide Five habits in the morning are comparable to chronic suicide

  Get up too fast

When people sleep, their blood pressure is relatively low. When they wake up, their blood pressure will rise rapidly, especially in some hypertensive patients with morning peak, who get up too fast or too fast, may cause a sudden rise in blood pressure and cause serious diseases such as cerebrovascular rupture. There are also some patients with hypertension Arteriosclerosis If the posture changes too fast, it is easy to have postural disorders hypotension , cerebral blood supply insufficiency, dizziness or syncope It is suggested to stick to the "221" principle when getting up, that is, when just waking up, open your eyes and lie on the bed for 2 minutes, sit up for 2 minutes after getting up, sit by the bed for 1 minute and then stand up again.

  Don't like drinking water

The blood in the morning is thick and easy to form thrombus After getting up, you should drink a large cup of warm water as soon as possible, which can quickly dilute the viscous blood. Water can be absorbed through the stomach and intestines in 10 minutes, entering the blood circulation, reducing apoplexy and miocardial infarction Occurrence of.

  Too hard to relieve bowels

Clinically, some patients do have diarrhea cerebral hemorrhage When the patient gets up in the morning, his blood pressure is already high. If he defecates forcefully, his abdominal pressure will increase, and his blood pressure will rise faster. If the patient's small arteries in the brain become sclerotic, he may rupture and bleed the small arteries in the brain with one effort. When the stool is dry and the defecation is not smooth, do not overexert or hold your breath, or overexert while holding your breath. In life, you should eat more vegetables and bananas rich in crude fiber. If you really can't, you should see a doctor and use treatment constipation Drugs.

  Breakfast is too oily and salty

Fried dough sticks, fried eggs, etc. are high fat and high calorie foods. Many patients with hypertension have hyperlipidemia. Eating too much oil and salt will make atherosclerosis Deterioration. You can have a cup of milk or a bowl of porridge for breakfast, a boiled egg the next day, and some fruits and vegetables.

  morning exercises

This mainly refers to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is gradually increasing in autumn and winter. Some people go out for morning exercises at four or five o'clock. At this time, people are vulnerable to the stimulation of cold, which makes the already high blood pressure rise faster in the morning, thus increasing the possibility of cerebrovascular accidents. It is suggested that everyone arrange the exercise time around 4 p.m. Gymnastics, Taijiquan, and brisk walking are all good exercises. Blind excessive exercise may also induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.

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