Five kinds of food are blood vessel scavengers

06:30, January 24, 2017 China News Network
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Blood is the source of nourishing the body. It flows through the tissues and organs of the body. However, with the growth of age, there will also be some "garbage" in the blood. If they cannot be "cleaned" in time, the blood will become unclean, viscous, and not smooth, thus affecting health. At this time, we might as well use some blood vessel "scavengers" on the dinner table to help the body clean up the blood waste, so as to clean up the body.

 Five kinds of food are blood vessel scavengers Five kinds of food are blood vessel scavengers

   Blood sugar stabilizer: Pu'er tea

Pu'er tea is mild in nature and has relatively little stimulation to the spleen and stomach. It contains many healthy ingredients such as tea polyphenols. The study found that Pu'er tea has significant inhibition diabetes The function of related biological enzymes helps to stabilize blood sugar.

Recommended eating method: It is recommended to drink Pu'er tea between meals. 100 ℃ boiling water shall be used for brewing. It's better to wash Pu'er tea first, because most Pu'er tea is drunk every other year or even several years, which is easy to deposit dust. "Washing tea" can achieve the goal of "cleaning dust and moistening tea".

  Lipid regulator: oats

Oats are rich in β - glucan and dietary fiber, which can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol by the human body and play a good role in regulating blood lipids. Moreover, oats can bring a strong sense of satiety, making people not hungry for a long time.

Recommended way to eat: It is recommended to choose the most "simple" oats, that is, large, whole, non broken oats, and without any sugar, creamer and other ingredients. It can be used to make porridge and add some nuts. It is nutritious and delicious.

  Blood pressure control agent: celery

Celery is rich in potassium and apigenin, which are beneficial to control blood pressure. Journal of the American Heart Association《 hypertension 》According to a published study, proper consumption of celery juice can really help lower blood pressure.

   Blood circulation catalyst: black beans

Black beans are rich in anthocyanins, which can clear free radicals in the body, reduce cholesterol, and promote blood circulation. In addition, anthocyanins have the effect of eye protection.

Recommended eating method: anthocyanins are more stable under acidic conditions, and vinegar is beneficial to the absorption of nutrients in black beans. Before brewing, you need to fry the black beans until they are ripe, cool them, and pour in the mature vinegar to make them cover the black beans, but you need to leave about 1/3 of the space to avoid the expansion and overflow of the black beans. After the cover is covered, soak it. After the black beans are fully expanded, they can be eaten. Black beans can also be used to beat soybean milk or boil soup.

  Blood purification agent: kelp

Kelp is not only a food with high iodine content, but also contains rich dietary fiber and colloid, which can combine with harmful substances in the blood, such as heavy metals, to detoxify and purify the blood.

Recommended way to eat: You can directly soak kelp into hair and make it into cold kelp silk. However, since kelp is cold, it is recommended that people with cold and weak bodies can eat kelp stewed tofu, which can neutralize the cold of kelp after being heated at high temperature. (Life Economics Comprehensive Compilation)

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