To nourish blood vessels is to nourish life. Come and learn five moves

05:47, January 24, 2017 Sina Health Comprehensive
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Cassanis, a famous French doctor in the 19th century, said that "people and arteries live together", and some people vividly compared blood vessels to "candles of life", which shows the close relationship between life and vascular health.

 People and pulse live together (photo source: Visual China) People and pulse live together (photo source: Visual China)

How much do we know about blood vessels? Blood vessels are the channels for blood to transport oxygen and nutrients to the whole body, and also the channels for removing waste, residues and carbon dioxide after metabolism. Even when we are asleep, the blood will flow around the body like a clock. This process, from birth to death, has never stopped. If the blood does not flow, life will be in danger, so blood vessels are the lifeblood of our body.

The US "Doctor Online" network has introduced to the public the good habit of making blood vessels healthy.

Sugar should be controlled in diet. Kurihara Yi, a special professor of Keio University in Japan and president of Kurihara Hospital in Tokyo, pointed out in Japan's One Week News magazine that carbohydrate intake should be reduced in daily diet. The carbohydrate decomposed sugar can be quickly absorbed by the human body, which makes the blood sugar value rise sharply, leading to excessive insulin secretion. Insulin, on the other hand, has the property of converting sugar into triglycerides, thus making the blood thicker.

Pay attention to the order of eating. The correct eating order is to eat vegetables, seaweed, mushrooms and other food with less calories, which requires a certain time for digestion. Chew each mouthful of food more than 30 times and swallow it, and you will feel full before your blood sugar rises; If you eat staple food and meat later, you can prevent blood sugar from rising too fast and excessive calorie intake. Some research data shows that eating slowly can make people feel full for 6 hours; If you eat too fast, you will feel hungry after 2-3 hours. The absorption of fat and protein is slow, so that the blood sugar will not rise too fast. It is best to eat some meat before meals.

  Enhance vascular function movement. Experts from the National Institute of Health and Nutrition of Japan advocate that aerobic sports such as jogging, soft gymnastics for slowly stretching muscles and joints, and light muscle strength exercises should be included. It is like adding water to a hard dough to soften muscles, improve blood circulation, inhibit sympathetic nerve activity, and calm people.

  Relax. Dr. Luo Wei, from the University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland, pointed out that sudden mental stress may cause vascular endothelial dysfunction, which impairs the expansion ability of blood vessels. Finally, blood vessels can not adjust their functions with the change of blood demand, which increases the occurrence of heart events.

  People who often take contraceptives should have their blood vessels checked every year. The British Medical Journal published a new study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, pointing out that although intravenous injection occurs when taking contraceptives thrombus The risk of is not very high, about one thousandth, but we still need to be alert to its risk. It is better for patients to check the lower limb blood vessels every year.

Comprehensive Jinling Evening News and Life Times

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