Where is white hair most dangerous

05:58, January 24, 2017 Life Times micro-blog
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Hair grows from qi and blood. If your blood is strong, your hair will grow normally. If your blood is weak, your hair will turn white. but Hoary hair Different birth positions imply different physical conditions.

 Where is white hair most dangerous Where is white hair most dangerous

   The grey sideburns are mostly due to the exuberance of liver fire. The viscera reflex area corresponding to the sideburns is the liver and gall. People with excessive liver and gall fire are prone to irritability or sulking, often accompanied by dry mouth, bitter mouth, dry tongue, sour eyes and other symptoms. The diet of such people should be light, and they can drink more lotus seed porridge, rose tea and hawthorn tea.

  The white hair on the forehead is mostly due to the imbalance of the spleen and stomach, People with poor spleen and stomach often abdominal distention abdominal pain . Stomach acid, weak mouth and thirst, warm limbs, and loose stool. It may also be accompanied by bad breath, excessive appetite, or swollen limbs, fear of cold and warmth, clear urine or adverse, which are all symptoms of spleen and stomach deficiency and cold. Can often drink ginger porridge to alleviate.

  The white hair in the back of the head is mostly due to insufficient kidney qi, Should eat more kidney tonifying food, such as mutton, walnut, black beans, chestnuts, medlar, Shouwu.

People with white hair should be optimistic and avoid excessive mental stimulation. In addition, reasonable diet is closely related to hair health. At ordinary times, people should eat more fresh vegetables, overcome bad habits such as partial eating, and keep nutrition balance in the body.

In addition to the above methods, scalp massage can promote blood circulation, improve the supply of nutrition to the head, and prevent white hair. Comb your hair with a wood comb or ox horn, or rub your hair with your palm or fingers, once in the morning and once in the evening, 5 minutes each time. ▲ (Li Yuehua)

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