Abandoned Cancer Baby

06:30, January 24, 2017 Chongqing Evening News
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At present, people's health awareness is rising, but while we are clamouring for anti-cancer and disease prevention every day, perhaps our friends do not know that some foods we think are good for our health may actually cause us to suffer cancer Black hands of; On the contrary, some things that we think are useless are actually anti-cancer "pacesetters".

   Eggplant skin

Many people like to remove the skin when eating eggplant, but it is recommended not to remove the skin when eating eggplant. Its value lies in the skin. The eggplant skin contains vitamin B, which can help the metabolism of vitamin C. Some studies have found that eggplant skin has the strongest anti-cancer activity, and its effect even exceeds the anti-cancer drug interferon.


Nutritionists found that fish scales contain more lecithin, a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, and a variety of minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus, which are special health products. It can enhance people's memory, delay brain cell aging, and prevent hypertension and heart disease In addition, eating fish scales can prevent children rickets , the elderly osteoporosis And fracture

   Bean curd dregs

Dietary fiber, calcium and other nutrients are high in content, low in heat energy and fat. It is a new raw material for anti-cancer, defecation, fat reduction, sugar reduction and weight loss. Egg white, flour, scallions and seasonings can be added to stir well before eating pancakes. It can prevent blood viscosity from increasing, hypertension atherosclerosis coronary heart disease apoplexy , intestinal cancer, etc.

   inedible root of a vegetable

The coriander root, celery root and radish skin are rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can be made into pickles with salt, vinegar, soy sauce, spices, etc., to reduce blood pressure, blood fat and prevent constipation , colon cancer and other diseases.


Some people will "strip off" oranges when they eat them, do you know? The orange juice contains a vitamin called "rutin", which can keep the normal elasticity and density of human blood vessels, reduce the brittleness and permeability of blood vessel walls, prevent capillary bleeding, and help reduce the incidence of hypertension cerebral haemorrhage and diabetes Human retinal hemorrhage occurs.

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