Tofu with One Thing Reduces Three Years of Life; All Japanese Centenarians Drink It

14:22, January 22, 2017 Sina Health micro-blog
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 Tofu plus one thing can reduce three heights and prolong life. All Japanese centenarians drink it! Tofu plus one thing can reduce three heights and prolong life. All Japanese centenarians drink it!

Source: WeChat official account of health magazine

Today is the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, and there is a custom of "making tofu by grinding". Of course, few people will make tofu on this day, but this will not stop people from continuing to love tofu, because its nutritional value is really high.

According to the latest report of the United Press International News Agency, the proportion of healthy centenarians in Okinawa, Japan, has been far higher than that in most parts of the world.

According to the research, the secret of Okinawa elders' longevity is the steaming bowl of tofu, kelp and miso soup that many people "laughed at" when eating Japanese food!

Japan cancer Zeng Jing of the Research Center published a research result, saying that women who drink more than three bowls of miso soup every day suffer from mammary cancer The chance of drinking one bowl a day is more than 40% less than that of drinking one bowl a day.

Women who drink two bowls of miso soup every day also have a 26% reduction in the risk of breast cancer; People who drink a bowl of miso soup every day suffer from gastric cancer The probability of not drinking is one third.

Why does a miso soup that seems to be common but is also despised by Chinese people have such great effect?

  Efficacy of kelp

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kelp is slightly cold and non-toxic in nature, and has the effects of softening and firming, dissipating phlegm and asthma, promoting water and swelling, removing fat and lowering blood pressure.  

Modern medical research has proved that kelp contains many nutrients and medicinal ingredients that are beneficial to human health.

Eating kelp can reduce blood sugar, blood lipid and cholesterol, which can be effectively prevented Arteriosclerosis constipation , Cancer, Senility dementia And resistance to aging. Therefore, the Japanese call kelp "longevity dish".


Diuresis and detumescence

Kelp contains a large amount of mannitol, which has the effect of diuresis and detumescence, and can prevent renal failure, senile edema, drug poisoning, etc.


Prevention and treatment of diseases of wealth

Mannitol in kelp has synergistic effect with iodine, potassium, nicotinic acid, etc. to prevent and treat arteriosclerosis hypertension , chronic tracheitis, chronic hepatitis anemia And edema.

High quality protein and unsaturated fatty acid in kelp heart disease diabetes Hypertension has a certain prevention and treatment effect.


Reduce radiation sickness

Kelp colloid can promote radioactive substances in the body to be discharged with the stool, thus reducing the accumulation of radioactive substances in the body, and also reducing the incidence of radioactive diseases. Regular eating kelp can make hair moist and dark.


  keep out the cold

Kelp also has the function of keeping out the cold. People who are afraid of cold in winter often eat it, which can effectively improve their cold resistance.



In recent years, research has found that kelp, seaweed, laver and other seaweed foods have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. Of which Colorectal cancer The prevention and treatment of breast cancer has been affirmed.

In addition, according to the statistics of relevant experts, the average prevalence rate of the elderly who have eaten kelp for a long time is 5% to 8% lower, and the average life expectancy is increased by 4 to 8 years.

  Efficacy of tofu

Tofu and egg are rich in nutrition, containing iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements necessary for human body, as well as sugar, vegetable oil and rich high-quality protein, known as "plant meat".


Prevention of cardiovascular disease

Tofu can not only strengthen brain, but also inhibit cholesterol intake. Soy protein significantly reduces plasma cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, which can not only prevent colon cancer, but also help prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


Reduce the risk of breast cancer

Soybean isoflavones are contained in the soybeans used to make tofu, which can adjust the response of breast to estrogen. The concentration of isoflavones in Japanese women's urine is 100~1000 times that of American and Dutch women.

This is related to the fact that Japanese often eat soybeans, which is one of the reasons why the incidence of breast cancer in Japan is lower than that in Europe and the United States.

In addition, it can also effectively prevent leukemia , colon cancer, lung cancer , the occurrence of gastric cancer, etc.


resist thrombus

The saponins contained in soybeans can eliminate free radicals in the body, have remarkable anti-cancer activity, inhibit the growth of tumor cells, inhibit platelet aggregation, and have antithrombotic effects.


Tonifying, clearing away heat and keeping in good health

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, tofu tastes sweet and cool. It enters the channels of the spleen, stomach and large intestine, and has the effects of supplementing qi, promoting the production of fluid, moistening dryness, clearing heat and detoxification. It is more suitable for people with hot constitution, bad breath and thirst, unclear stomach and intestines, and recuperating after fever.

Modern medicine has proved that tofu not only has the functions of increasing nutrition, helping digestion and improving appetite, but also is very beneficial to the growth and development of teeth and bones. It can increase the iron content in blood in the hematopoietic function.

Is this tofu, kelp and miso soup just for Japanese? No matter in terms of food function and Japanese growth environment, they really complement each other.

So don't underestimate this simple bean curd and kelp soup. It is very helpful to prolong life. Drinking it regularly can enhance resistance. Especially in cold winter, it can keep warm and prevent disease.

Now let's follow you to learn how to make miso soup!  

  Tofu, kelp and miso soup

Ingredients: 1 piece of bean curd, 1 piece of sweet pepper, 50g of kelp, 10g of light soy sauce, 2 pieces of ginger, 2 pieces of green onion, proper amount of broth, cooking wine and sugar.


  ? Cut tofu into small pieces, clean sweet pepper and slice, clean ginger and shred, clean scallions and mince, clean kelp and cut into strips;

  ? Put 1/2 cup of light soy sauce and cold water into a bowl, mix evenly, filter and set aside;

  ? Pour 3 cups of meat broth into the pot, boil it, add tofu, sweet pepper and kelp, add 1 tablespoon of cooking wine and shredded ginger, boil it, add the ingredients prepared in the second step, boil it, turn off the fire and mix it well, finally add 1 teaspoon of sugar, boil it again, sprinkle scallions on the kelp tofu soup, and then put it into a large soup bowl and serve it on the table.

  Warm Tips for Health Preserver

  ? It is recommended to use tender tofu for soup, which tastes smooth and tender;

  ? Kelp must be cleaned, or the fine salt sand will affect the taste;

  ? Concentrated chicken juice can be replaced by boiled stock, which is more delicious;

  ? Do not drink tea or eat sour fruit immediately after eating kelp, because kelp is rich in iron, and the above two foods will hinder the absorption of iron in the body;

  ? Patients with hyperthyroidism should not eat kelp, because the iodine content in kelp is rich, it will aggravate the condition;

  ? Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not eat more kelp. Iodine in kelp can enter the fetus and baby with blood circulation, causing thyroid dysfunction.

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