Drink honey water and remember the best time

06:37, January 15, 2017 Chinanet
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Mr. Li, Yuquan Road, Haidian District, Beijing: Some people advocate drinking a cup of light salt water in the morning and a cup of honey water in the evening. But I remember that the Health Times published the article "Is it good to drink salt water in the morning?" that drinking light salt water in the morning is not worth advocating, because it may lead to high blood pressure. Some people advocate drinking a cup of honey water in the morning and a cup of cold boiled water before going to bed. Others proposed "three cups of water a day for health preservation", that is, a cup of honey water in the morning, a cup of light tea after lunch break, and a cup of plain water before bed. So, which method is better?

Yu Kang, Deputy Director of the Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital: Drinking salt water in the morning is not recommended because it may lead to high blood pressure. In the morning, you can drink cold water, or the elderly can drink a cup of honey water. Therefore, according to the efficacy of water, honey and salt and the physiological needs of the human body, It is better to have "early honey and late water". There are two reasons:

① After a night's sleep, most of the water in the body has been excreted or absorbed. At this time, drinking a cup of honey water on an empty stomach in the morning can not only supplement water, but also increase nutrition. For the elderly, it can also play a role in promoting defecation.

Drinking light salt water in the morning is not conducive to health care. Because under normal circumstances, the human body will not lack of sodium. If you drink a cup of light salt water every morning for a long time, the sodium content in your body will be too high, which may lead to hypertension , nephritis and other diseases. Only after heavy physical labor or strenuous exercise, when excessive sweating leads to loss of sodium salt, it is necessary to drink a moderate amount of light salt water to supplement water and electrolytes.

② Drinking a cup of cold boiled water before bed is more conducive to health care than drinking honey water. Because honey is not pure sucrose, but it is still sugar after all, so it is not suitable to drink it every night before going to bed. It is necessary to drink a cup of cold boiled water at night, because some people do not drink enough water during the day. Drinking a cup of water at night can not only properly supplement some water, but also play a role in refreshing, clearing throat and relieving cough. More importantly, it can prepare enough water for the metabolism of the body all night long. Only when there is enough water in the human body, can the metabolic activities of tissue cells be fully exerted. In addition, drinking a little light tea after lunch break is also worth advocating, which can remove the greasy lunch, and can refresh, so that you can have energy to work better in the afternoon.

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