Fermented bean curd nutrition beyond imagination

06:27, January 15, 2017 Life Times micro-blog
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 Fermented bean curd nutrition beyond imagination Fermented bean curd nutrition beyond imagination

Sufu is also known as "Chinese cheese". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is sweet and warm, and has the functions of promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, strengthening the spleen and digestion. Modern nutrition has proved that after fermentation, tofu will get more essential amino acids, niacin, calcium and other minerals that are conducive to digestion and absorption. In particular, vitamin B12, which is not found in general vegetable food, can be obtained by fermentation.

The color, flavor and nutrition of sufu are different according to the production method and ingredients. White fermented bean curd is natural color without any auxiliary materials. Red beancurd is fermented by adding red koji, white wine, flour koji and protease to pickled beancurd. Lovastatin contained in red koji can reduce hypotension And blood lipids are of great significance and have certain health care effects. Green beancurd, in fact, is stinky bean curd. During pickling, bitter slurry and salt water are added to make it green, which is more thoroughly fermented than other varieties and contains more amino acids and esters. Flower fermented bean curd is generally added with chili, sesame, shrimp seed, sesame oil, ham, cabbage, mushroom, etc., which has the most complete nutrients. In addition, some beancurd will have white spots on it. In fact, it is tyrosine crystal, which can be eaten safely.

In addition to eating directly, sufu can play the role of adding salt, aroma and freshness in cooking, such as fried meat, preserved bean curd cabbage, preserved bean curd rolls, etc. It should be noted that, hypertension , cardiovascular disease gout . Nephropathy patients and gastrointestinal ulcer patients should eat less to avoid aggravating the disease; The general population should take a small amount of preserved beancurd or low salt preserved beancurd to make juice and then add it to vegetables.

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