You'd better not shave for two hours

05:39, January 14, 2017 Chongqing Evening News
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The best time to shave is in the morning, when the skin is relaxed, shaving can also reduce the chance of being scratched. It is forbidden to shave from different directions, otherwise it will form inverted beard.

 You'd better not shave for two hours You'd better not shave for two hours

Do not shave before bathing. The skin just after shaving has a lot of micro trauma that cannot be seen by the naked eye and is more sensitive. At this time, take a bath immediately. The stimulation of bath solution, shampoo and hot water will easily cause discomfort or even redness in the shaving area.

It is not advisable to shave before exercise. During exercise, the blood circulation of the body is accelerated, and a large amount of sweat will stimulate the skin you have just shaved, causing discomfort and even infection. Wei Wen

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