How to clear intestinal waste

05:39, January 14, 2017 Information Times
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Full of gold is enviable, but "full of gold" is hard to say. Light cannot go in and out, more can go in and less can go out, which has a great impact on health, and can induce or aggravate hemorrhoids Anal fissure And other diseases. How to get rid of "full of gold"? Today, I will teach you some reliable "Hmmm tips" to clean up intestinal waste.

 How to remove intestinal waste How to remove intestinal waste

Medical guidance: Ge Yan, director of the digestive department of Guangdong Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Han Zongping, chief physician of the anorectal department

   Tips for defecation

   Only "entering rough" without drinking water, constipation More serious

Six out of ten stools are water, and the rest are indigestible food residues, bacteria, bile pigments and electrolytes. Eat more fruits and vegetables, high fiber food, and drink more water. The stool will become soft before defecation. Because dietary fiber is the main component of the fecal mass in the intestine, it can increase the moisture in the fecal mass, expand the volume of the fecal mass, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, and make defecation smooth.

At the same time, you need to drink enough water for dietary fiber to play a role in moistening the intestines. Otherwise, cellulose will "block the intestines" and make constipation more serious.

Some people like to eat hot and dry things, such as pepper, coffee, barbecue and fried food, which is easy to "dry and dry", resulting in insufficient water in stool and constipation.

   Too much or too little "oil and water" will cause constipation

If you eat too much meat, you will lack fiber in your feces. Because if the food taken is too fine, there will be little residue left after it is absorbed by the small intestine. Some people in life go to the other extreme: they only eat vegetarian food and think it is more conducive to defecation. This is wrong. Although too much fat intake is harmful to the body, too little or no fat intake is also insufficient.

Fat can make the stool smooth and smooth. At the same time, fatty acids stimulate the intestines and speed up the intestinal movement. If fat is introduced into high fiber foods in an appropriate amount, it can improve the bowel movement.

The defecation materials such as hemp seed, plum seed, peach kernel, almond and cassia seed in traditional Chinese medicine are oily. Mashing the oil and releasing it before boiling water can relieve constipation.

The diet structure should be diversified. Coarse and fine grains should be mixed with meat and vegetables, and fatty foods (milk, peanuts, sesame seeds, walnuts, pine nuts, etc.) should be appropriately added. Eating some greasy food for breakfast, such as sesame, nuts, etc., can help to soften stool and relieve constipation.

   Stool becomes dry due to water loss

The large intestine wriggles three or four times a day, pushing waste from the colon to the rectum. When feces come to the rectum, the rectum will expand, which will cause defecation. If you often bear to defecate and refuse to discharge, your stool will have to return to the rectum or S-shaped colon, which will disturb your defecation habits.

The total length of the large intestine is about 1.5 meters, which can be said to be as high as a person. It is responsible for absorbing sodium and water. If the stool stays in the large intestine for too long, the water will be absorbed and become granular, which is more difficult to discharge. Nowadays, young people are very nervous about their work. They often can't excrete. Slowly, more and more water is absorbed in their intestines, and it is more and more difficult to excrete as their stools become dry.

   The brain of the "cultural person" in the toilet does not command defecation

Many people like to play with their mobile phones and read newspapers while they are relaxing, which is easy to cause constipation. Because defecation is controlled by the brain, the process is that the brain informs the center, and the center informs the anus to discharge stool.

If you read the newspaper while defecating, your brain is not focused. At this time, the center has informed the intestines and anus to defecate forcefully, but the brain has no empty tube, and the stool will stay in the large intestine and anus. For a long time, the defecation reflex will be destroyed, causing constipation.

   There is a "day and hour" for defecation

Through evolution, humans have left two "golden times" for defecation: one is the "standing reflex" of getting up in the morning; The other is the "stomach colon reflex" after breakfast.

When you wake up in the morning and change from lying to sitting to standing, the brain will send a message to the large intestine to make the intestine move, and the intestine will produce a huge peristaltic wave to help you push the stool out. At this time, you don't need to exert too much force, and your stool can be discharged smoothly. You should form a good habit of squatting in the toilet for 5 minutes after getting up every morning, even if you can't pull it out, you should stick to it.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. After eating, the stomach will notify the large intestine to exercise quickly, creating another "day time" for defecation.

   Defecation is not only physical but also psychological

When defecating, it seems that the buttocks muscles contract in coordination. In fact, there are also "psychological dramas". Many young people suffer from constipation due to their busy work, high pressure, tense mood, and lack of relaxation. They become habitually constipated day after day and night after night.

The change of environment is also easy to cause constipation, which is essentially due to mental tension. For example, the baby's living environment has changed, such as moving, changing a nanny. However, these are temporary constipation.

   Lubricating anus can help excrete feces

For occasional constipation and constipation of long-term bedridden people, don't be busy taking laxatives. You can use some auxiliary defecation measures, such as Kaiselu and glycerin suppository to lubricate the anus to help excrete feces. After squeezing, the liquid medicine should stay in the intestines for at least 3~15 minutes to soften the fecal mass before defecation.

Some laxatives can also be used under the guidance of doctors, such as lactulose oral liquid, volumetric laxatives, etc., to relieve constipation by increasing the water in the intestine.

   Senna cannot be drunk for a long time

Irritant laxatives such as rhubarb and senna can be used to treat acute constipation and clean the intestines, but they are not recommended for patients with chronic constipation. This kind of medicinal materials generally take effect quickly, and are effective for short-term constipation. If used for a long time, it will lead to the decrease of stress of the nerve receptor cells in the intestinal wall, or even degeneration. In this way, even if there is enough feces in the intestinal tract, it can not stimulate the intestinal tract to cause defecation reaction, but aggravate constipation.

At present, the main ingredients of many brands of Changrun tea and laxative tea are rhubarb, senna, etc. The hospital often treats patients until they drink such "health tea" for a long time enteritis Patients.

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