Don't put these small things on the bed

05:41, January 14, 2017 Qilu Evening News micro-blog
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Soft cushions, fresh green plants and morning alarm clocks, which are necessary for almost every bed, are likely to affect your health all the time.

 Don't put these small things on the bed Don't put these small things on the bed

  ◎ Pillow

Some people like to put pillows on the head of the bed and pile them aside when sleeping, which will affect the cervical vertebra and sleep. First of all, the most suitable pillow height is 10~12cm, and pillows and pillows stacked together will increase its height; Secondly, the pillow will hide some pathogenic microorganisms, mites and dust, and it is easy to cause bronchial problems when inhaled into the mouth and nose; Finally, the bed with a lot of sundries will also cause psychological pressure and occupy space, making people uncomfortable sleeping.

◎ Alarm clock

Frequently waking up by the bedside alarm clock can lead to chronic stress, which can lead to high blood pressure, decreased sleep quality and depression. The alarm clock should be kept 1.8m away from the bed or farther away.

  ◎ Green plants

Green plants can purify the air, increase oxygen content, and relieve tension. However, at night, the respiration of green plants will inhale oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which is easy to make people stay in an anoxic environment for a long time, difficult to sleep deeply, and cause persistent fatigue. In addition, there may be a lot of mold hidden in the soil, which will cause respiratory diseases such as allergy or asthma Etc. If green plants are needed for decoration, a small number of hydroponic plants such as Fuguizhu or cactus plants can be placed.

   ◎ Small appliances such as radio

Any electrical appliance should be far away from the bed. Although some electrical appliances are small in size, their radiation should not be underestimated, such as radios, mobile phone chargers, small mosquito killing lamps, etc. If necessary, it is better to place it in the corner away from the bed. The patch board must be at least 2 meters away from the head of the bed, otherwise the radiation will become larger when the power is turned on, affecting health.

  ◎ Plush toys

The surface of plush toys is easy to hide dust, bacteria and formaldehyde, and some "three no" plush toys are filled with harmful chemical fibers, which is easy to make people cry and get up erythema , even cause respiratory tract and skin infection. Don't put any plush toys in the bedroom, especially don't let children sleep with them.

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