This symptom means you are old

06:44, December 30, 2016 Beijing Morning Post
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A typical change of aging is that people get up more often at night, which is more accurate than any changes in any part of the body. Because urination is a symptom of kidney deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine. If the principle of western medicine is that the kidney is rich in blood vessels, the kidney bears more blood when the human body is lying flat than when it is standing upright. Once the renal function is reduced, urine will increase significantly, It is especially obvious at night when people lie flat, and the function of the kidney will decline while people are aging.

 This symptom means you are old This symptom means you are old

One of the functions of the kidney is the concentration function, because from the perspective of evolution, people have evolved from aquatic life. One of the changes in evolution to terrestrial life is that people can preserve water. The concentration function of the kidney is one of the results of this evolution. Once aging or virtual damage occurs, the concentration function decreases, and the urine becomes thinner and more.

This is most common at both ends of life. One is a young child who will wet the bed at night, the other is an old person, or although he is still young, his body will get old before he gets old for various reasons. This problem will be manifested in the problem of getting up more at night. In Chinese medicine, it belongs to kidney deficiency. Children are deficient in kidney qi because their bodies have not yet grown up, while the elderly are deficient in kidney qi. To solve this problem, doctors may prescribe the same medicine: Wuzi Yanzong Pill, which uses the seeds of five medicinal plants to tonify the kidney, increase the concentration function of the kidney, and restore the amount of urine to normal.

We often say that people who are scared to urinate because of sudden fear of incontinence are all acute kidney deficiency. According to traditional Chinese medicine, "panic damages the kidney". A great shock can reduce the control of the cerebral cortex, including the control of urination. This kind of frightened urination is similar to the mechanism of a child's bed wetting at night. The latter is that the cerebral cortex is not fully developed, and both the concentration function of the kidney and the control function of the cerebral cortex belong to the kidney in traditional Chinese medicine, Therefore, the kidney of traditional Chinese medicine is not positioned, and kidney deficiency generally refers to a decline of physiological function. That's why it's not only for bed wetting, but also for children's intelligence Dysplasia Even the elderly have a lot of nocturnal urination. TCM will start with the reason of tonifying the kidney. Wuzi Yanzong Pill also has a mild therapeutic effect on memory decline caused by kidney deficiency.

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