Black fungus eats like this and defecates smoothly

06:30, December 30, 2016
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 Who is the perfect match for black fungus Who is the perfect match for black fungus

Many people have suffered constipation This issue recommends a pair of food partners that can relieve constipation - agaric cabbage.

Auricularia auricula is not only known as "blood vessel scavenger", but also "intestinal scavenger", in which rich dietary fiber can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. Cabbage has the functions of nourishing the stomach and promoting fluid production, eliminating boredom and thirst, diuresis and defecation. Therefore, the combination of the two not only has clear black and white color, but also complements each other in taste and defecation effect. The method of agaric and cabbage soup is very simple. Soak the black agaric in water, cut the cabbage leaves into sections, put them into the pot together, add seasonings, and cook them.

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